April 30, 2021 – 1:00 pm
Say, you know how they were blaming the wildfires in California (with all the horrendous forest management practices that turn the areas into tinderboxes)? Well So, not 'climate change'? Huh #ClimateCrisisScam @tan123 @ClimateDepot https://t.co/sYqLumqCPi — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) April 29, 2021 From the link A 2020 wildfire in Northern California that killed two […]
April 25, 2021 – 6:43 pm
Thanks, dudes and dudettes. You just had to take that fossil fueled trip to get an evil juicy burger, didn’t you? This has obviously never happened before Earth’s Axis Has Been Shifted by Climate Change, Study Says Climate change has contributed to the shifting of Earth’s axis of rotation, according to new research. Earth’s geographic […]
April 15, 2021 – 8:13 am
It is a good, and relevant question, but, not one climate cultists really want to answer, because they think words matter more, and want to apply their Beliefs to Other People ‘Words matter’: Numerous news outlets to use ‘climate emergency’ instead of ‘climate change’ Forget climate change. It’s a climate emergency. The evidence is irrefutable, […]
April 2, 2021 – 7:08 am
The Scientific Method is a process that was developed from a thousand years of scientific endeavors, about taking your feelings and personal opinions out and going with Facts, but, it’s rather inconvenient for a cult Climate scientist pinpoints what exactly is lacking in the scientific method Dr. Mika Tosca, 36, a climate scientist and assistant […]
March 25, 2021 – 8:29 am
The NY Times was one of the ringleaders in pushing for COVID lockdowns, in everyone staying how, in isolating yourself from everyone else, in fearmongering contact with other people – I’m not saying that social distancing and no touching are not smart measures. They are. I do it. Don’t touch me, no handshakes, not fist […]
March 18, 2021 – 8:30 am
Who would have seen this coming? Somebody is going to have to do some serious walking back of reality once the Cult of Climastrology starts coming after him (via Watts Up With That?) Should the hurricane season begin earlier? The Atlantic hurricane season officially begins on 1 June. But over the past six years, significant […]
March 16, 2021 – 3:00 pm
Mind you, this is just for clean energy investment, not for all the other things the Cult of Climastrology wants to do Climate Change: $131 Trillion Clean Energy Investments Needed to Avert Catastrophe, Report Says Planned investment in clean energy must increase by 30% to a total of $131 trillion by 2050 to avert catastrophic […]
February 27, 2021 – 7:50 am
Well, if they really want to get serious, they should do almost every single meeting, big to small, but teleconference. No fossil fueled flights, no fossil fueled vehicles. The UN building in New York should be converted to renewables only, and should have limits on water use. And they should pay big taxes to cover […]
February 24, 2021 – 7:47 am
Let me ask: what happens when you take an area, cut down most of the trees, put up tons of homes with all sorts of roadways and sidewalks? You get an artificial increase in the local temperature, as you’ve changed the land. This is part of the land use theory on climatic change. It’s also […]
February 22, 2021 – 3:00 pm
Usually, ARS Technica is chock full of climate crisis (scam) hysteria. This article actually shoots down the notion that it was you and your forebears who caused the doomy winter weather in Texas. Which is a shame that someone actually has point out that these climate cultists are nuts Blaming a wiggly jet stream on […]