Category Archives: Collapsing Science

Proposed Rule Would Cut Hotcoldwetdry Considerations From Infrastructure Planning

This has made climate cultists Very Upset Proposed Trump Rule Cuts Out Climate Change Considerations in Infrastructure Planning Federal agencies would no longer have to take climate change into account when they assess the environmental impacts of highways, pipelines and other major infrastructure projects, according to a Trump administration plan that would weaken the nation’s […]

Bummer: Indonesians Not Particularly Concerned With Doing Something About ‘Climate Change’ After Floods

Floods are nothing new. They’ve happened plenty of times. That’s part of life on Earth. But, these people in Indonesia are supposed to be worried about your carbon footprint After Indonesia’s deadly floods, few hear climate ‘wake up call’ JAKARTA (Reuters) – Floods that killed more than 50 people in Indonesia’s capital after the biggest […]

The 2010’s Were A Lost Decade For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Can someone remind me who was President for most of the 2010’s? The 2010s were a lost decade for climate. We can’t afford a repeat, scientists warn. At the start of the last decade, Kallan Benson was 5 years old, her favorite story was “The Secret Garden,” and Earth was in the midst of its warmest […]

Bummer: Capitalism Hating St. Greta Sees Merchandisers Striking It Rich On Her Likeness

St. Greta of Stockholm hates capitalism. And consumerism. And people buying stuff. She’s cool with million dollar sailboats, but, that’s another story. So, what are capitalists doing? Greta Thunberg merchandise sellers strike it rich Greta Thunberg may have insisted that her bestselling book was printed on paper sourced only from sustainable forests but the young […]

Al Gore: Democrats Should Totally Run On Green New Deal

I completely agree: they should. Because they would lose like most running on Hotcoldwetdry as their main position, like Jay Inslee Al Gore Says Democratic Candidates Should Absolutely Run On AOC’s Green New Deal: Report Former Vice President Al Gore believes the Green New Deal (GND) could be a winning issue for Democrats in 2020. […]

Bummer: Madrid Climate Conference Ends With A Whimper

They couldn’t figure out a way to take money from producers and give it to “developing nations” nor implement more fascist government controls on citizens and private entities. But, hey, they got a good vacation paid for by taxpayers in Madrid U.N. Climate Talks End Without Meeting Goals Climate negotiators failed to strengthen targets to […]

Bummer: European Union’s Green New Deal Fails First Test

The EU attempted to pass a Green New Deal, which is totally about ‘climate change’ and not everything else, especially controlling the economy, because the unaccountable politicians running the EU don’t want power at all, right? Europe’s Green Deal on climate change failed its first test In a stunning disappointment to environmentalists, a bid to […]

Bummer: Exxon Found Not Guilty In ‘Climate Change’ Lawsuit

This whole #ExxonKnew garbage has been going on for four years, with numerous attorney generals throwing suit after suit at the wall, but nowhere worse than NY State Exxon found not guilty in New York climate-change securities fraud trial, ending 4-year saga New York’s Attorney General failed to prove that Exxon mislead shareholders over the […]

‘Climate Change’ Policies Could Wipe Out $2.3 Trillion In Global Stocks

Whomever wrote the headline failed to read the article Climate change could wipe $2.3 trillion off global stocks Policies designed to combat climate change could permanently slash the value of companies around the world by up to $2.3 trillion. That’s according to a new report from Principles for Responsible Investment that examines how “inevitable” policies such as […]

Bummer: UN Climate Hysteria Meeting Failing To Address Climate Apocalypse

Well, they’re having too much fun in the great vacation spot of Madrid. Good food, good wine, good friends, paid for by the taxpayers UN climate talks failing to address urgency of crisis, says top scientist Urgent UN talks on tackling the climate emergency are still not addressing the true scale of the crisis, one […]

Pirate's Cove