Category Archives: Collapsing Science

Bummer: World Not Close To Meeting Paris Climate Agreement Goals

Remember when the Paris climate agreement was called “historic” non-stop? And nations hailed joining in, patting themselves on the back? And they were all going to Do Something Important? Funny how we keep reading this same thing Paris climate deal: world not on track to meet goal amid continuous emissions Carbon dioxide emissions rose weakly […]

Climate Cult Groups Say U.S., E.U. Owe Half The Cost For Hotcoldwetdry

In the 1st World, ‘climate change’ is all about installing Modern Socialism, about taxation, fees, and governmental control of everything, about limiting freedom and choice. In the 3rd World, it’s all about getting money out of the 1st World nations, money that has zero strings attached, because the 1st World nations “owe” it to the […]

Paris Climate Agreement Fail: Greenhouse Gases Surge In 2018

Remember when the Paris Climate Agreement was “historic”? When it would save us all? And how so many in government say they’re Doing Stuff to alleviate Hotcoldwetdry? Greenhouse gases surge to record in 2018, exceeding 10-yr average rate: U.N. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere hit a new record in 2018, rising faster than the average […]

Bummer: Democrat Debate Sees Only One Hotcoldwetdry Question

I wonder why? Climate change gets a single question at the fifth Democratic debate Ten Democratic candidates for president took the stage in Atlanta to talk impeachment, health care, the economy, paid leave, and, oh yeah, our overheating planet. Those hoping for a debate heavy on what Bernie Sanders called “the existential threat of our […]

Say, Why Is Venice Flooding? Climate Or Corruption?

Venice (the one in Italy) has been in the news lately because it has been flooding, and, of course, it is being blamed on man-caused climate change. It makes no difference to the climate cultists that it was built on a swamp, and has been flooding for centuries, and, there’s nothing new about a sea […]

Extinction Rebellion Puts “Sinking Suburban Home” In Thames As Climate Protest

I suppose this is better than their normal schtick of gluing themselves to stuff and throwing fake blood and blocking streets and trains, but, it also creates a large navigable hazard in the river Thames Sinking suburban ‘home’ drifts down Thames in watery climate protest A floating mock-up of a typical British suburban home was […]

Trump Starts Process To Formally Pull Out Of Paris Climate Agreement

The Paris Climate Agreement was historic. Historic! We were all told that. It was a Big Deal. Very few nations are actually succeeding in upholding their pledges, but, it was still Historic! It just wasn’t worth bothering submitting to the U.S. Legislative branch. But, rather than just wiping away America’s Barack Obama’s commitment to it […]

Sad: Netherlands Won’t Meet It’s Climate (scam) Target

It’s rather funny how this keeps happening The Netherlands will fail to hit climate change targets, agencies say The Netherlands is failing in its efforts to meet a string of important climate change targets, according to two government reports published on Friday. In particular, a court order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 25% in […]

U.S. Expected To Tell U.N. It Is Formally Withdrawing From Paris Climate Agreement On November 4th

So, expect meltdowns from climate cultists come next Monday Formal U.S. Withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement Looms One week from today, President Trump gets his earliest opportunity to make good on his pledge to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement. The president made it clear last week that his plans had not […]

Bummer: Democrat Debate Fails To Mention ‘Climate Change’ Yet Again

Now, Democrats keep telling us that ‘climate change’ is the most important issue of the century. That we are doomed if we don’t Do Something. They run apocalyptic story after story at media sites like the NY Times and CNN. Straight articles and opinions. Democrats make Pronouncements. Yet CNN and the New York Times skip […]

Pirate's Cove