November 17, 2023 – 3:00 pm
One would think that a place like LA would have operational charging stations, considering that California was the first state to mandate all of the peasants having to forgo petrol cars, well before Let’s Go Biden pushed his mandate No Juice: WSJ Columnist Finds 40% of EV Chargers She Tried in LA County Were Out […]
November 2, 2023 – 3:00 pm
I wonder how much gas he used to travel all over Miami Art installations at every Miami-Dade park will call attention to climate change threat With the recent king tides, and hottest summer ever on record, we here in South Florida are already getting a glimpse of what the future holds as our planet keeps […]
November 1, 2023 – 7:15 am
Perhaps Government Motors has finally realized that most people really do not want an EV at this time for various reasons? GM Backtracks on Joe Biden’s Green Energy Agenda After Investing Billions After investing billions to adhere to President Joe Biden’s green energy agenda, General Motors (GM) is backtracking on all fronts when it comes […]
October 14, 2023 – 7:00 am
I’m sure they can figure out how to also blame this on Hotcoldwetdry California has had another calm wildfire season so far. Here’s why, according to experts California is enjoying a relatively calm wildfire season this year, but the Sacramento region is not fully out of the woods. And don’t attribute this year’s mildness to […]
October 13, 2023 – 2:51 pm
See, these are the kids that are supposed to Save The Planet, but, Bidenflation is ruining that Add Inflation to Reasons to Worry About Climate Change A big frustration of writing about climate change is that it’s wildly difficult to get people to care about the subject unless they happen to be, say, unexpectedly choking […]
September 29, 2023 – 7:15 am
Well, sure, why not, because there’s no way wind and solar will be able to power all the EVs (via Jo Nova) EV Battery Factory Will Require So Much Energy It Needs A Coal Plant To Power It A $4 billion Panasonic electric vehicle battery factory in De Soto, Kansas, will help satisfy the Biden […]
September 27, 2023 – 3:00 pm
The grift is strong with this one NASA scientist issues grim warning 35 years after his original prediction: ‘[W]e knew it was coming’ James Hansen, who was a NASA climate scientist when he first warned the world that the planet was heating in 1988, is back with another stark warning — this time hoping for different results. […]
September 26, 2023 – 3:00 pm
The shameful thing here is that Lego only seems to care about their “carbon footprint”, not whether recycling plastics makes sense for real environmentalism Green Fail: Lego Abandons Bricks Made of Recycled Plastic Bottles for Failure to Reduce Carbon Emissions Danish toymaker Lego has halted its initiative to create its iconic bricks from recycled plastic […]
September 1, 2023 – 7:15 am
We keep being told that companies are super excited to invest in “renewables”. So then why First offshore wind auction in Gulf of Mexico attracts one winning bid The Biden administration’s first-ever auction of offshore wind development rights in the Gulf of Mexico ended with a single $5.6-million winning bid on Tuesday, reflecting meager demand […]
August 28, 2023 – 7:00 am
Sometimes two things can be correct. This is not one of those times Democrats’ climate change blame game for Hawaii fire confronted by reality after Maui identifies cause Hawaiian officials attributed the cause of catastrophic wildfires to alleged failures from the state’s main power utility company and downed power lines this week after Democrats blamed […]