Category Archives: Good Move Slick

Ron Paul Partially Blames US For 9/11

It’s not the first time he’s gone complete bat guano insane, and one of the reasons why he will NEVER be the GOP presidential nominee (The Hill) Ron Paul said that American policymakers were at least partially at fault for the country being attacked on 9/11 during a discussion of foreign policy on CBS’s Face […]

More Fuel Efficient, Hybrid, And Electric Vehicles Reduces Money For Roads….Wait, What?

The obvious solution is for everyone to drive a big gas burner (CNN) Drivers often forget that they pay for highway construction and maintenance through federal fuel taxes: 18.4 cents per gallon for gasoline and 24.4 cents per gallon for diesel. “The notion that the road has ever been free is sort of a self-delusion,” […]

OWS: Trinity Church Learns No Good Dead Goes Unoccupied

When you throw your lot in with people who feel entitled, you learn there are unintended consequences (The Blaze) The Blaze has confirmed that Occupy Wall Street protesters have cut the locks on a lot owned by Trinity Church, a major landowner in Manhattan. Earlier this morning, the New York Times reported: The protesters had […]

Obama: “Hey, You Americans Are Pretty Lazy”

Yet again, Mr. Obama has decided to take the low road, and demeans the American People. Time to add to the Big Obama Bus/Insult list (ABC News) For the second time in as many months, President Obama has taken the nation that elected him president to task for its own lackadaisical economic performance on the […]

Who’s Up For A Christmas Tree Tax?

Yes, you can thank the Obama administration for this one (Heritage) President Obama’s Agriculture Department today announced that it will impose a new 15-cent charge on all fresh Christmas trees—the Christmas Tree Tax—to support a new Federal program to improve the image and marketing of Christmas trees. OK, it’s not much, and it only applies […]

Whoops! PC Linked To Billboard Shows P0rn

This Should Make People Think Twice About Using A Work PC To Look At P0rn. Of, course, they probably shouldn’t have had to think very hard to say to themselves “this is a Bad Idea“ Pedestrians of Oubei Town (瓯北镇) in the city of Wenzhou got an eyeful on Wednesday, when a large LED billboard […]

Companies Bombarded With Inept Young Applicants

Considering that our country spends more per student than almost every other country in the world, and more people are attending college than ever before, this doesn’t say much about our education system (NY Post) He doesn’t think it’s too much to ask of a job seeker. A resume, a statement of salary expectations and […]

New Social Justice Movement: Stopping Leaf Blowers

They must be eradicated from society. For social justice! With an unmatched capacity for sending leaves scurrying, the leaf blower has become a staple of South Florida’s verdant landscape. Its banshee-like roar and hurricane-force winds may be grating, but some folks have learned to tolerate the blowers’ noisy presence. But a group of Palm Beach […]

NC Gov Perdue Now Says Her Comments Were “Sarcasm”

At first, Team Bev called her comment about suspending elections for a few years “hyperbole“. Now it’s (Raleigh N&O) On Wednesday, Perdue continued to try to walk back her comments, which her staff initially described on Tuesday as hyperbole. “My point was one of sarcasm,” Perdue told reporters in Thomasville. “We really just need to […]

NC Gov. Perdue “Jokes” About Suspending Federal Elections For Two Years

Was she joking, or, was this simply a matter of speaking off the cuff and coming out with a gaffe? Remember, in Democrat World, a gaffe is when a lefty says what they really think. Anyhow, the liberal leaning Raleigh News and Observer tries to go with the “just joking” route Speaking to a Cary […]

Pirate's Cove