Category Archives: Good Move Slick

Obama Pulls Campaign Stunt At Bridge That Doesn’t Qualify

See, if a Republican had been involved in this gaffe, the MSM would be tearing them apart. Since it’s Obama? Not so much. Andrew Malcolm provides the 411 You know all those rusting bridges that President Obama wants to spend billions more dollars repairing to allegedly stimulate the economy? He’s headed out to one today […]

Bummer: Obama’s On An Energy Losing Streak

Well, if one’s vision is simply to dump money into a sector that cannot produce a product, and can only lose money at this time, along with pandering on other energy but not actually allowing it, one is going to go on a losing streak President Barack Obama is racking up an impressive losing streak […]

Why, Yes, The White House Did Push Hard For The Solyndra Loan

Some are wondering whether the Solyndra scandal will bring the White House down. I have to say, unless some emails are found that specifically show that Obama knew that there was no possible way that Solyndra would ever be able to compete, and still pushed the loan, the best that will happen will be a […]

Obama Featured In Pro-Palestinian State Ad

Kinda funny when those “blue meat” speeches come back and bite you on the posterior, eh, Mr. Obama? President Barack Obama is the unlikely star of a new Palestinian media campaign. Part of a speech Obama gave in 2010 to the United Nations General Assembly is featured in an ad aimed to rally support for […]

Obama Admin. Launches Website To Track Waste

No, it doesn’t track Obama’s golf handicap, the number of times Joe Biden sticks his foot in his mouth, or how much public money Michelle Obama wastes on vacations. From Government Technology The Barack Obama administration added to its portfolio of accountability websites with the introduction Thursday, Aug. 25, of The website is designed […]

California High Speed Rail Fail

Would anyone be shocked that the California high speed rail project is, um, a whole hell of a lot more expensive than it was supposed to be? Ed Morrissey catches the squeal from the Merced Sun Star Building tracks for the first section of California’s proposed high-speed rail line will cost $2.9 billion to $6.8 […]

AGW Today: Is Barney Frank Responsible For Global Warming?

Perhaps we should feed him some garlic, but, then, we wouldn’t be treated to this bit of funny, via The Blaze Gawker may have put it best: “As you’ll see, his hips most definitely don’t lie.” During an appearance on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show last night, Dem. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) joined to talk about […]

In Wake Of Fast And Furious, Are You Ready For Operation Castaway?

It may or may not be as big and bad, but, we’ll see if ATF and the DOJ stonewall Congress on it Several lawmakers are questioning the Obama administration about whether the controversial “Fast and Furious” gunrunning probe may have had a cousin in Florida that resulted in guns being trafficked to Central America. Rep. […]

Shockingly, Yet Another ObamaCare Provision Raises Costs

Unlike Queen Nancy’s statement that “we’ll have to pass the bill to see what is in it,” we actually knew this little tidbit was in the bill prior to passage, and critics pretty much proclaimed that it would have a negative effect. And, guess what? It has Lawmakers in the House and Senate introduced bipartisan […]

I Wonder How Australian Kids Feel About Climate Change?

In a word, terrified. But, not as you think; like with all liberal policy agendas, their are unanticipated consequences PRIMARY school children are being terrified by lessons claiming climate change will bring “death, injury and destruction” to the world unless they take action. On the eve of Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s carbon tax package announcement, […]

Pirate's Cove