Category Archives: Good Move Slick

Oops! Perhaps Marc Ambinder Can Provide Some Facts For His Own Agitprop

I caught this little bit of Obama propaganda through ye olde Twitter, via Doug Mataconis at Outside The Beltway. Headline from Marc: Agitprop Alert: The Jones Act And The Oil Spill (ps: those who are serving a far, far left agenda should probably not be throwing around words like “agitprop“). Here is his central point […]

Even Chris Dodd Doesn’t Know How The Financial Overhaul Legislation Works

Seriously, the mark of a wonderful piece of legislation Key House and Senate lawmakers approved far-reaching new financial rules early Friday after weeks of division, delay and frantic last-minute dealmaking. The dawn compromise set up a potential vote in both houses of Congress next week that could send the landmark legislation to President Obama by […]

They’re Called “Snapping” Turtles For A Reason

Something a little lighter for Saturday morning CBS 2’s Tony Aiello learned that lesson Friday as he handled a female snapping turtle for an assignment. The turtle lurched its neck out, reared back, and tried to take a snap at Aiello’s nose. “I’d like to think I have a ‘nose for news,’” Aiello said. “I’m […]

Shocker: College Grads Not Ready For Workplace

This is what the ever increasing amount of leftist/progressive indoctrination in schools, particularly public schools, has wrought for the X generation A few weeks before graduation, dozens of York College undergrads, in shorts and flip flops, packed a campus auditorium. They’ve come to see Laura Wand, the director of marketing for Johnson Controls, one of […]

Friday Stupid: Holder Admits He Hasn’t Read The Arizona Illegal Immigration Bill

Personally, I would think it rather important to actually read the Arizona illegal immigration law before you criticize it, much less say you are considering suing, wouldn’t you say? It’s not like it is a really big bill (perhaps Holder could spend some time reading the ObamaCare bill and see if it violates the Constitution) […]

Guy Who Joke Tweeted About Blowing Up Airport Still Whining

Remember this guy from back in January? It’s so nice for the UK Guardian to give this gent, Paul Chambers, a chance to vent his whine My tweet was silly, but the police reaction was absurd: For one joke on Twitter I’ve had my civil liberties trampled on, and have now got a criminal record […]

Who Knew That A Bit Of Making Whoopy Could Be So Dangerous?

Then again, just consider that this story comes from the same place that gave us canned corn on pizza blood sausuge spotted dick jellied eels bubble & squeak You’re probably too queasy to think about sex about now, but woopy In the nanny state, love-making could almost justify a risk assesment. Five per cent of […]

Old Hotness: Nigerian Lottery Scams. New Hotness: ObamaCare Scams

It’s simply amazing that a piece of legislation that was unread by the people who voted for it, and is over 2,400 pages, should cause confusion. I mean, seriously, “What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means […]

Shocking: Liberal Book Burners Stopped By Fire Department

Another day, another unhinged hypocritical liberal demonstration shot down in, well, not flames Burning books is a no-no on the University of New Hampshire campus. Oh, it’s OK with the liberal establishment there. It’s only the fire department that objects. The UNH Womyn’s Club, an unrecognized campus organization, planned to protest the dehumanizing effects of […]

Henry Waxman Chickens Out On CEO Hearings

Awwwww, look, the sweet cluebat of reality wacked Waxman upside the head Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, D-Calif., has canceled a hearing intended to grill CEOs who took a charge against profits because of the health care reform bill. The cancellation came after they realized what everyone already knew – that the companies […]

Pirate's Cove