Category Archives: Good Move Slick

Woops! Dear Leader Dissed Diceman And Bulldogs Over F-22

That would be the 90th Fighter Squadron, known as the “Dicemen,” and the 525th Fighter Squadron, the “Bulldogs,” both of which operate the F-22 When President Obama spoke to troops at Alaska’s Elmendorf Air Force Base last month, the unit there parked a shiny new F-22 fighter plane in the hangar. But according to multiple […]

Chinese PWN Obama During Human Rights Speech

This is the kind of thing that was bound to happen after the Sec. Of State started off the year by telling the Chinese government that human rights were second to economic survival. It’s also the the kind of thing a country can do when they hold a huge chunk of the U.S. debt in […]

Good Job, Linda Vista P(orn)TA!

Heh A “typographical error” resulted in the recall of student T-shirts at Linda Vista Elementary School’s recent jog-a-thon, after a parent called the phone number printed on the back of the shirts and was connected to an adult chat line. T-shirts were handed out to all students participating in the Oct. 16 jog-a-thon during recess […]

Cool! Now There Is A Balloon Boy Game

It’s pretty darn stupid, but, hey you get to puke out of the balloon! Of course, Balloon Boys parents are playing their own game, one which they will lose.

Rupert Murdoch To White House: Thanks For The Ratings, Chumps!

Two words for the White House: Hoist. Petard. News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch said on Friday that White House criticism of commentators on his Fox News television channel had served to “tremendously” increase their ratings. “There were some strong remarks coming out of the White House about one or two of the commentators on Fox […]

World Stunned As Obama Wins Peace Prize

Not to steal any thunder from the earlier posts by John and Jay (this is being cross-posted to my site, Stop The ACLU, and Right Wing News), but, I just couldn’t let this article go to waste That’s the screenshot from the front page of the UK Times Online Barack Obama today sensationally won the […]

National Science Foundation More Like National P0rn Foundation

Hey, maybe this is why we get so many rediculous and idiotic climate alarmist reports Employee misconduct investigations, often involving workers accessing pornography from their government computers, grew sixfold last year inside the taxpayer-funded foundation that doles out billions of dollars of scientific research grants, according to budget documents and other records obtained by The […]

Ahmadinejad To Obama: I Do Have Pre-Conditions, Chump

Late Friday, the Obama admin quietly announced that they would be meeting with Iran, with no pre-conditions, just as Obama promised during the first part of his never-ending campaign. Unfortunately for Obama, it seems that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad understands how to move from “campaigning” to “governance” much better: Iran snubs Barack Obama’s nuclear talks Less than […]

Hey, Look, More Citizens Upset With Obama For Slurring Them

Can people who are paid by and work for the government be considered “private citizens?” In my mind, yes. While they are government bees, they are not elected. And, the President shouldn’t be trashing American citizens in the first place. So, when a president comes a slurring, they have every right to get upset U.S. […]

It Takes All Kinds Of noroM’s

Seal 1 – Human 0 A woman has sued the Brookfield Zoo in a slip and fall case that she claims started with the dolphins. In the complaint, Allecyn Edwards states that the zoo “recklessly and willfully trained and encouraged the dolphins to throw water at the spectators in the stands making the floor wet […]

Pirate's Cove