Category Archives: Good Move Slick

Who Knew Thate Stealing A/C Units Is Now A Federal Offense Under The Clean Air Act?

When conservatives refer to government overreach and the proliferation of Big Government, this fits in perfectly (WLWT) An Ohio man has pleaded guilty to violating the Clean Air Act by releasing a refrigerant into the air during the theft of dozens of air conditioning units. Federal prosecutors say Martin Eldridge and others stole at least […]

Jihadis Sure Party Bombastically

Ooh, yeah! All right! We’re splodin’: I wanna splod’ it wid you. We’re splodin’, splodin’, And I hope you like splodin’, too. Ain’t no rules, ain’t no vow, we can do it anyhow: I’n’I will see you through, ‘Cos everyday we pay the price with a little sacrifice, Splodin” till the splod’ is through.

Obama’s State Department Really Loves A Cleric Who Wants Americans Killed

If only was something available for State Department weenies to do research on people they endorse (Washington Free Beacon) The State Department’s Counter Terrorism (CT) Bureau promoted on Friday a controversial Muslim scholar whose organization has reportedly backed Hamas and endorsed a fatwa authorizing the murder of U.S. soldiers in Iraq. The CT bureau on […]

People Whine That U Of Utah’s Fight Song Lyrics Are Sexist

First World Problems (ABC 6) After more than a century of singing “I’m a Utah Man,” some say it’s time to update the University of Utah’s 1904 fight song. Proposals to adjust such lyrics as “I’m a Utah man” and “our coeds are the fairest” have spiked emotions on campus in recent weeks. Critics say […]

Satirical Colbert Report Tweet Causes People To Be “Offended”

I’ve mentioned many times the notion of the United States Of The Offended, a phrase by Robert D. Raiford which denotes that people get their skivvies in a bunch by pretty much everything, pitch a fit because their feelings were hurt, and demand that Something Be Done. It doesn’t help when people have no understanding […]

Students Face Possible Federal Charges For Being Jerks

Orwell would be proud (NY Times) The University of Mississippi said Friday that students could face criminal charges for placing a noose on a statue honoring the college’s first black student, and a fraternity announced that it had expelled three men because of the incident. If you continue reading the article you’ll see how this […]

Irony: Gun Control Advocate Busted For Handgun At School

Hoist on his own petard (Daily Caller) A Buffalo, N.Y. community activist who is well known locally for pushing for a highly restrictive 2013 gun control law has been arrested for — wait for it — carrying a gun illegally at a public elementary school. The arrested gun-control advocate, Dwayne Ferguson, caused quite a scene at […]

What Say To The TSA Being More Polite As They Grope You?

There could be legislation for that (The Hill) Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) is threatening to introduce a bill requiring the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to be more polite to airline passengers. During a hearing about the TSA’s Screening Partnership Program that took place this week, Connolly said passengers would likely cooperate more with TSA agents if […]

Climatologists Rescued From Their Snowy Fossil Fueled Hell By Fossil Fueled Helicopter

Hooray! (I’ve cleaned the story up a bit) (NBC News) All 52 passengers who were stranded aboard an ice-locked (fossil fueled) ship in Antarctica for more than a week were rescued by (fossil fueled) helicopter early Thursday, officials said. The (fossil fueled) Akademic Shokalskiy sent out a distress call on Christmas morning after it became surrounded […]

Amazon-like: Hill Staffers Told Not To Rely On D.C. Obamacare Website

Seriously, the comparison to is beyond ridiculous. Heck, even small consumer websites do better (The Hill) Capitol Hill staffers who signed up for ObamaCare through the Washington, D.C., healthcare exchange, called DC Health Link (DCHL), are being told to confirm their enrollments in person, and not to rely on data provided by the website. […]

Pirate's Cove