Category Archives: GOP

NY Times: Overturning Roe Isn’t Conservative Or Something

We’ve had plenty of unhinged Hot Takes over the leaked SCOTUS document on Roe v Wade. Then, we get the folks who are supposed to be allies. Here’s the NY Times’ resident Republican (who’s really a necon and inflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome) Overturning Roe Is a Radical, Not Conservative, Choice Dear Chief Justice Roberts […]

Republicans And Democrats Have Different Narratives On Economy For Midterms

In other words, the leftist news media is going to attempt to protect the Democrats from the crappy economy and Biden’s incompetence Republicans, Democrats push dueling economic narratives ahead of midterms In an economy that’s seeing both surging growth and debilitating inflation, Democrats and Republicans are telling very different stories about the overall economic picture […]

Florida House Votes To Do Away With Disney’s Special Governing Protection

Some Old School Republicans are saying this is just too much, but, considering that Disney’s primary audience is children, perhaps they shouldn’t take the side of those who want to teach small children very adult sexual topics, push them to be LGBT, hide what’s going on in schools from their parents, bring in drag shows […]

NY Times Notices New Laws Push Red And Blue States Further Apart

Obviously, the Times sorta takes the side of the Blue states, but, does play much of this straight (you can also see at Yahoo News if the paywall gets you) Flurry of New Laws Move Blue and Red States Further Apart After the governor of Texas ordered state agencies to investigate parents for child abuse […]

Poll: Plurality Say Putin Would Not Have Invaded If Trump Was Still President

It’s utterly unsurprising that almost no news outlets are covering this Poll: Plurality Say Russia Would Not Have Invaded Ukraine if Trump Were President A plurality of likely voters believe that Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if former President Donald Trump were still president, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday found. The survey found […]

European Union Reveals Plan To Get Off Russian Fossil Fuels

Hey, remember when President Trump put sanctions on Nord Stream 2? And warned Europe about being reliant on Russian oil and natural gas? That they should purchase from the U.S.? And Germany laughed? Look at Germany laughing at Trump for saying they should not be dependent on Russian oil. Who was right, Germany? — […]

Clinton Campaign Paid For Operation To Link Trump To Russia

Unsurprisingly, you won’t find this information at the NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CBS News, NBC News, or ABC News, nor almost any non-Republican outlet Clinton campaign paid to ‘infiltrate’ Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia: Durham First on Fox: Lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to […]

The Donald Tells Supporters To Stop Doubting The Chinese Coronavirus Vaccines

He’s correct. I just wish he had done this last February. If Brandon and his handlers were smart, they would have enlisted his help and given a united front, saying “we’re putting aside politics for this.” You can bet if Trump had won reelection then Democrats would have been very much against the vaccines Trump […]

House Passes Non-Infrastructure Infrastructure Bill, $1.75 Reconciliation Passes Rule

The infrastructure bill, which is only around 10% infrastructure, passed because of squishy Republicans House passes bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill after progressives drop opposition House lawmakers passed President Biden’s $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill late Friday night, securing a key victory for his administration and breaking a weeks-long deadlock between moderates and progressives that […]

Poll: Majority Of Republicans And Independents Do Not View ‘Climate Change’ As Existential Threat

Thirty plus years of spreading awareness, scaremongering, prognostications of doom, constant articles and broadcasts in the media which fail to take a skeptical eye, and are simply cheerleaders, all to go with Warmists refusing to practice what they preach, and this is the best they can do Poll: More than two-thirds of Republicans say climate […]

Pirate's Cove