Category Archives: Government

Democrats Go On Witch Hunt For Skeptics

Here’s one from yesterday that I wasn’t able to get around to Dem ‘Witch Hunt’ Forces Scientist Out Of Global Warming Research An investigation by Democratic lawmakers into the sources of funding for scientists who challenge details of the greater global warming narrative has already forced one scientist to call it quits. University of Colorado […]

FCC Set To Vote On “Net Neutrality” Today

Let’s start with this Here is Pres. Obama's revised 317-page plan to regulate the Internet. The public still can't see it. I'm voting no. — Ajit Pai (@AjitPai) February 25, 2015 Ajit Pai is one of the commissioners of the Federal Communications Commission. It should be very concerning that no one can actually see […]

Priorities: DHS Raids Kansas City Lingerie Shop

I’m not quite sure whether to be disturbed, amused, or reassured (Fox News) When two burly men walked into a Missouri women’s underwear store Tuesday, the owners didn’t think much of it — until the pair flashed their Homeland Security badges and confiscated several dozen panties bearing the initials “KC” in honor of the Kansas […]

EPA “Loses” Text Messages Sought In Records Request

That’s right, another issue of transparency regarding Team Obama, this time at the EPA (Fox News) The EPA is being accused of pulling “an IRS” for reportedly planning to inform the National Archives it has lost text messages being sought in an open-records request. The Washington Times reported Wednesday that lawyers from the Department of […]

Salon: We Really Need To Change The Constitution

I know, you’re thinking “Salon: a whole bunch of far left nutbaggery”. And the article certainly includes quite a bit. Interestingly, the more I read, the more nuggets of rationality I found. Of course, that’s the point: getting conservatives to bob their head in agreement This is our new Constitution: How we fix gun rights, […]

Totally Predictable: Many New Medicaid Enrollees Finding It Hard To Find Care

Absolutely no one saw this coming, and how dare Fox News expose it….wait, this is the NY Times? Enrollment in Medicaid is surging as a result of the Affordable Care Act, but the Obama administration and state officials have done little to ensure that new beneficiaries have access to doctors after they get their Medicaid […]

US Homeland Security moves to tackle climate change risks

Good news. They aren’t particularly interested in securing the border or any of their other responsibilities, but, Hotcoldwetdry? They’re on it (Retuers) Protecting the infrastructure of American cities from the effects of climate change is rising on the agenda of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, according to a top agency official. “Increasingly, we’ve moved […]

Ocare Looking To Bring Breast-feeding To A Company Near You

Now, now, don’t misunderstand: there is nothing wrong with breastfeeding. There are tons of studies showing that breastfeeding and/or using breast milk is the best thing for babies. But, this is not really about breastfeeding: it’s about federal government interference in the economy, yet again (Reuters) Under the Affordable Care Act, employers must provide time […]

Big Government Really Concerned About School Bake Sales

When Conservatives discuss the federal government being too big and too powerful, too nannying and a continued overreach, this is a perfect example Put down the cupcake: new ban hits school bake sales — TC Lynch (@LeatherPenguin) August 3, 2014 At Chapman School in Nebraska, resourceful students hawk pizza and cookie dough to raise […]

Law Enforcement Really Concerned About “Sovereign Citizens”

So says a new report, via Memeorandum, through Crooks and Liars from Breitbart Unmasked , the last two being hyper-partisan Leftist sites, the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism released a “study” on law enforcement concerns over threats, and concludes Law enforcement is much more concerned about sovereign citizens, Islamic […]

Pirate's Cove