Category Archives: Government

Abusive Colorado County Looks To Eminent Domain A Couple’s Land

When we talk about “Big Government”, this is the kind of thing we’re referring to. Not necessarily about the size, but about the scope, the power, the domineering, and the abuse. Andy and Ceil Barrie bought a 10 acre piece of property deep in the heart of the White River National Forest. Legally purchased. Then […]

Team Obama Decides To Ignore Banking Laws Regarding Marijuana

Another day, another lawless pronouncement from the Obama administration (AP) The Obama administration on Friday gave banks a road map for conducting transactions with legal marijuana sellers so these new businesses can stash away savings, make payroll and pay taxes like any other enterprise. It’s not clear banks will get on board. Guidance issued by […]

Cover Oregon: Possible Criminal Fraud

You remember Cover Oregon, right? It’s the Obamacare website that has essentially singed up zero people. All the enrollments have come via old school paper applications. The website is really still not working (not that the federal website is fully working correctly, either). Now we learn (via The Blaze) (KATU) You already know the process […]

P0rn Stars Leave California For Vegas Over Condom Law

Laws have consequences. In this case, revenue and jobs are leaving California because of a law, something California should be used to (UK Daily Mail) It is known as the City of Sin, so it is perhaps no surprise to find that the porn industry is moving to Las Vegas after LA passed a law […]

Whew! Obama Curtails Spying On Foreigners

Not so much on Americans (AFP) In a long-awaited speech outlining changes to programs exposed by Edward Snowden, Obama also said he had halted National Security Agency (NSA) spy taps targeting friendly world leaders. He also proposed new protections for foreigners caught in US data collection programs, which harvest hundreds of millions of pages of […]

White House: We’ll Decide Whether Someone Is Hurt By Contraception Mandate

No, really (Politico) The Obama administration Wednesday said the Affordable Care Act contraceptive coverage regulations are fair – and they don’t really hurt the Denver-based religious organization that got a temporary New Year’s Eve reprieve from Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. “We defer to the Department of Justice on litigation matters, but remain confident that […]

Be Afraid: Obamacare Could Turn On Performance Of IRS

The headline of this Washington Post article should give everyone a huge case of the willies, and get worse while reading the article For beleaguered IRS, a crucial test still awaits after troubled rollout of health-care law The success of the Affordable Care Act could ultimately turn on the performance of an agency that has […]

Marijuana Makes Big Gains In Votes: Will DOJ Sue?

The Obama/Holder heavily politicized Department Of Justice is quick to act when any state or municipality decides to enhance illegal immigration law. Same with some states that pass voter ID laws. What about marijuana? So far, nothing when it comes to Colorado, which had perhaps the most amusing referendum (CBS News) A proposal to impose […]

The Washinton Post Notices That There Are Lots Of Losers In Obamacare

Bloomberg’s Megan McCardle notices that consumers were sold a lemon (too bad Obama’s Consumer Protection Agency can’t do anything about that bad actor, Barack Obama), based on a New Yorker article which states that most people will either be winners or unaffected. What’s the reality? (Washington Post) Americans who face higher ­insurance costs under President […]

Keller: Republicans Should Be Cheering The “Affordable” Care Act

Here’s the NY Times’ Bill Keller with The Rest Of The Story Unless you’ve been bamboozled by the frantic fictions of the right wing, you know that the Affordable Care Act, familiarly known as Obamacare, has begun to accomplish its first goal: enrolling millions of uninsured Americans, many of whom have been living one medical […]

Pirate's Cove