Category Archives: GWB

GWB: Back to the WH!

I posted this back on October 29th, and had made a little webpage over on a Road Runner home page. I was that confident. So, I am just reposting the same thing in full: Call me crazy, but I am so confident that W is going to win, that I have put this webpage together. […]

Gimme Some Lovin’

Call me crazy, but I am so confident that W is going to win, that I have put this webpage together. Yes, I know there is still work to be done, and we cannot give up till it is in the bag, but, I just gotta believe. This song always makes me feel first rate. […]

Hurricanes are Bush’s Fault

No, seriously. The global warming that has apparently only occured under W (sarcasm alert on Red) is going to cause more hurricanes, at least according to billboards going up in Florida. Because President George W. Bush has “ignored the threat of global warming,” Floridians can expect to be hit by increasingly destructive hurricanes, a new […]

Asbury Park Press for Bush

This paper, in NJ, has a nice editorial on their endorsement of President Bush. I liked it due to it’s basis in reality. None of the partisan rhetoric that has inflicted, well, everything. Check it out here.

Why I am voting Bush

Many will, and have certainly, given much better discources on why they are voting for W. My take is actually very simple. I am an independent. I voted for Clinton’s 2nd, as I thought he was a better candidate for that time then Dole. I voted for Al “taking the short route to Insanity Rd” […]

Little Miss Attila

Wow!. Gotta say Wow! again. I have read some really great posts on why to vote for W, but this one is high cost swag! So Avast! and set sails to Little Miss Attila. Update: as Russ points out, the link was bad. Trackback worked. Try this link.

Hero’s For Bush Roundup

The Blogburst at Truth Laid Bear is complete, over 50 entries for it. Please check them out. Some fantastic entries, especially that one by Cap’n Jack Sparrow {ok, fine, it was a shameless plug :0) }

Hero’s For Bush

Tis I, Captain Jack Sparrow, come to tell ye that I shall be supporting Cap'n George in his reelection over that bilge rat, Senator John Kerry and and his pan wench, First mate John Edwards. George, may I call him George, is a fine lad, who has raised his Jolly Roger, and declared war on […]

Iran Endorses Bush

TEHRAN, Iran – The head of Iran’s security council said Tuesday that the re-election of President Bush was in Tehran’s best interests, despite the administration’s axis of evil label, accusations that Iran harbors al-Qaida terrorists and threats of sanctions over the country’s nuclear ambitions. Historically, Democrats have harmed Iran more than Republicans, said Hasan Rowhani, […]

Carnival of the Bush Bloggers

I have a post listed over at Blogs for Bush, for this weeks Carnival of the Bush Bloggers. In a shameless plug, I would appreciate the vote :) Check them all out: there are some good posts up. Tough competition.

Pirate's Cove