Category Archives: GWB

USA Today Tells Us That The Surge Worked

After years of a constant Credentialed Media drumbeat of how bad the war deaths have been, particularly in Iraq, while mostly avoiding mention of the decreases caused by The Surge, now, with 21 days left with Dubya as President, they want to tell us how great things have gone because of The Surge. Perhaps some […]

Bush’s Parting Shot On Women’s “Reproductive Rights”

The issue of abortion on demand is one I typically avoid for the most part, except regarding late term and parental notification, but, this one is just was too over the top to ignore Undermining women’s reproductive rights and access to health care has been a pervasive theme of the outgoing administration. On his first […]

Your G’itmo Playlist Ain’t Phat Update

And you thought Christina Aguilera music for the Club G’itmo vacationers was bad? Blaring from a speaker behind a metal grate in his tiny cell in Iraq, the blistering rock from Nine Inch Nails hit Prisoner No. 200343 like a sonic bludgeon. “Stains like the blood on your teeth,” Trent Reznor snarled over distorted guitars. […]

DU Thread Of The Day: Boooosh! In Prison!

Impeachment isn’t good enough. Having fun with impeachment Christmas ornaments isn’t good enough. Nope. Bush in jail is the only thing that will satisfy the insane left. For about 10 minute, probably, but, let’s start with the unhinged article that started it all off: George W. Bush belongs in prison Electing Barack Obama president was […]

Bush Throws Some Pardons: What About The Border Agents?

President Bush, who apparently uses the same pen for veto’s and pardons, has given out 14 and commuted the sentences of 2 others. All were pretty much low level scumbags who pretty much hurt no one but themselves, but what about the border agents? Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., noted that the list also did not […]

Lunatic Monday: Code Pink And HuffPo

Let’s start with the ladies in that atrocious, stomach-churning, eye bleeding color of pink DAY ONE in Tehran What an extraordinary day! After arriving at our hotel in the middle of the night, I woke up early raring to go. Our hotel is in a great location downtown, and I took some time before our […]

Just When You Thought The Times’ Op-Ed Pages Couldn’t Get Moonbattier..

Gail Collins tries to out-mo Mo Dowd: Time For Him To Go Thanksgiving is next week, and President Bush could make it a really special holiday by resigning. I could probably stop there and let the Derangement wash over us. Seriously. We have an economy that’s crashing and a vacuum at the top. Bush — who is currently […]

Sheer Incompetents Surprised And Stunned By Bernake

Nice picture, eh? I call it “Monument to a man who’s motto was “Can Do!” looking over a monument to the Americans who said “kick the Nazi’s, Japanese, and Italians buts all at the same time? No prob.” taken from a monument to a man who said “I will not allow the Union to dissolve, […]

I Can Haz Hugz?

Via Blue Star Beth thru Fausta from The Guardian. May not always agree with some of the policies, but, admit it, the guy is fun.

White House To NBC: Show Us The Proof!

NBC will probably just send out Keith Olberamann to tell Duyba to shut up or call our troops terrorists The White House is calling on NBC News to declare whether the network still believes Iraq is mired in a “civil war,” escalating a fight that began when NBC aired an interview with President Bush that […]

Pirate's Cove