Category Archives: GWB

HuffPo Commenters Love Drunken Little Slut Jenna’s Wedding!

It’s been a long time since I did a comment excerpt from the Huffington Post, but they have a lovely thread going about Jenna Bush’s upcoming nuptuals, following a HuffPo story that is actually rather well written and nice. But, you know what is going to happen next, right?  Why would anyone care one way […]

Helping Myanmar, Now With BDS!

We all know about the tragedy and natural disaster in Myanmar, with tens of thousands dead and missing after Cyclone Nargis swept through. Millions are homeless. President Bush offered relief to them, as well as calling for better human rights in Myanmar. Mrs. Bush also critized the government. And….. (NY Times) Foreign governments and aid organizations […]

Beer Monday: Raise A Stein To Greensburg Class Of ’08

Monday. The start of a new work week. Time to get busy, be productive, show off for the bosses. How ’bout a beer?   Raise your beer in a salute GREENSBURG, Kan., May 4 — President Bush delivered on Sunday the commencement address for a graduating class of 18 students whose high school was leveled […]

Bush Does Standup At Correspondent’s Dinner

Found a bit of vid of Dubya at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner, but, it doesn’t include this bit, unless you can get the cBS News one on the page I link below to work. I’ve had no luck President George W. Bush poked fun at his potential successors, expressing surprise that none of them were […]

Bush Bashed On Climate Change Support

Let me say first that I do not agree with President Bush on the anthropogenic global warming issue. But, I find it hilariousthat Bush is agreeing with the climahysterics that something needs to be done, and they blow a gasket The world needs tougher action to combat global warming than a plan by President George […]

Ramos And Compean: One Year Later

Press release from Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Ca) “It has been a year since Border Agents Ramos and Compean entered prison. This marks a year of shame for President Bush who has been fully aware of the details of this blatant miscarriage of justice and chosen to do absolutely nothing about it. Since day one, family […]

Bush Pardons Drug Dealers, But Not Compean And Ramos

I actually saw this on the news briefly the other day, and, like Steve Elliot at Grassfire, I am livid I don’t recall ever having been more outraged than I am right now. I have just received a special “Media Advisory” from Rep. Dana Rohrabacher’s (R-CA) office condemning the President’s snub of Ramos and Compean. […]

Bush Vs. The Evil Dead

Watch of, there is a new enemy in the world!!!!! Thanks to Jay at Stop the ACLU, who found it at a lefty blog, proving that, yes, there is at least one Liberal who has a sense of humor. If you want another good from Jay, check out this video, where Bin Laden and Keith […]

Cosmic Karma-Reporter Takes Spill

Talk about the stars being aligned (from the Daily Mail) If he didn’t believe in karma before, Piers Morgan must surely do now. The ex-newspaper editor, now a columnist for The Mail on Sunday’s Live magazine, took great delight in making fun of President Bush for falling off a Segway – the two-wheeled, motorised, gyroscopically […]

Beer Monday: Who Says Bush Never Apologizes?

Monday. Time to get busy, do some hard work, kiss some serious booty sit back and enjoy the holiday, play some golf, drink a lot of beer, watch some baseball, and try not to burn yourself on the grill. Or anything else Almost a year ago, I discussed a Wiccan soldier finally being allowed to have […]

Pirate's Cove