May 24, 2007 – 11:12 am
Listening to President Bush’s PC right now, and I am feeling decidedly moonbat. I keep repeating the word "bullshit" over and over. He ended the prepared remarks with " the people sent us to Washington to take on tough issues." Mr. President, taking them on is not the issue; solving them in a way that […]
April 11, 2007 – 3:21 pm
If this doesn't give W a clue that his immigration policies are horrible and he is being an ignoranus on he issue, I don't know what will WASHINGTON, April 9 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid released the following statement on President Bush's speech on immigration today. "Senate Democrats agree with President Bush that […]
April 3, 2007 – 12:13 pm
Are you ready for a Pepto Bismal day? (Washington Times)Six months after approving a bill promising to build some 850 miles of fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, the Bush administration and Senate Republicans are now saying 370 miles is enough. In his negotiations with Republican senators, Mr. Bush also appears to have rejected the key […]
March 29, 2007 – 9:37 am
And succeeds quite well! Video: Bush Does Standup Comedy Also available at Youtube. Hot Air has more, with Bryan and Michelle having been there. Outside the Beltway has the story, and Karl Rove getting his groove on. The usual suspects do the usual things. Sigh.
March 7, 2007 – 7:19 am
To start off, Firesociety has an exclusive interview with Tom Tancredo, in which he discusses border security, the president, and the two jailed border agents. A must listen. And, if you are a Tancredo fan, check out Team Tancredo 2008. If you want to secure our borders, stop amnesty for illegals, keep taxes low, and […]
February 19, 2007 – 7:45 am
And a good Monday to all. How 'bout a beer. Video suggested by the always wonderful Stacy! [gv data=”gfPz6XPZ6a0″][/gv] Hairy naked butts in the office. Yikers! Anyhow, at the moment (well, since Saturday), I am wondering if President Bush has done what the nutroots keeps implying, hell, saying, he has done, gone back to the […]
February 8, 2007 – 7:16 am
Seriously. Read on, McDuff (from CNS News) Weeks after accusing President Bush of "shameful" behavior over the imprisonment of two Border Patrol agents who shot an unarmed suspected drug smuggler along the U.S.-Mexico border, a federal lawmaker turned up the heat further Wednesday, suggesting the president should be impeached if either of the two men […]
January 30, 2007 – 7:51 am
However, it sounds to me like they are just stalling. Had Bush pulled this prior to the 2004 elections, we would be calling John Kerry "Mr. President" (from World Net Daily) Amid growing criticism from congressmen and activists of its handling of the prosecution of two Border Patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean, […]
January 23, 2007 – 10:19 pm
I'd like to say I have sintillating reparte' on Bush's 2007 State of The Union speech, but, quite frankly, it is the NHL All Star break, and I was watching the Young Guns game and the Skills contest. My Bad! Told ya I was a major hockey fan, eh. If you want a break down […]
January 22, 2007 – 2:16 pm
By Chip Bok. Trackposted to Perri Nelson's Website, Big Dog's Weblog, stikNstein… has no mercy, basil's blog, Shadowscope, DragonLady's World, The Bullwinkle Blog, Dumb Ox Daily News, Conservative Cat, High Desert Wanderer, Pursuing Holiness, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.