Category Archives: Healthcare

“Taking It In The Shorts”: Obama Steps Up Marketing Campaign As Ocare Continues Its Slow Death Spiral

Nothing like getting a mailer or seeing an add for a product that is going to cost you more each year while seeing the available usage decrease (Forbes) The Obama administration is rolling out a new and broader marketing strategy to get more Americans to sign up for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act, […]

250,000 To Lose Their Obamacare Plans In NC, With Little Choice Left

Overall, round 1.4 million Obamacare enrollees will lose their Ocare plans for 2017, as insurers bolt this idiotic Progressive plan, part of the Alinsky model to put people under control of the government. The Washington Post performs a random act of journalism More than 250,000 people in North Carolina are losing the health plans they […]

NJ Democrats Call For Public Option As Insurers Flee Obamacare

Does it need to be stated that the only ones who voted for Obamacare were Democrats? Does it need to be stated that the majority of Americans were against Obamacare prior to passage, and still are? Does it need to be stated that Ocare is collapsing exactly like predicted? Does it need to be stated […]

NY Times: Obamacare Has To Change To A More Government System To Survive

Obamacare is collapsing in exactly the way that opponents (which was, and still is, a majority of Americans) said it would before it passed. We also stated that private sector insurers would be priced out of the Ocare marketplace due to financial losses, which would lead to Democrats calling for a public option and single […]

IRS To “Reach Out” To Those In Non-Compliance With Obamacare Mandate

It’s no longer a fine or tax or fee. It’s reaching out (Forbes) As many as 20 million Americans soon will be getting a letter from the Internal Revenue Service “suggesting” they sign up for ObamaCare insurance. Getting a letter from the IRS can be a threatening and nerve-racking experience; it seldom is seen as […]

Obama Pleads With Insurance Execs To Not Bail On His Government Enterprise

As Obamacare continues to implode almost exactly as predicted even before it was passed in the dead of night using parliamentary shenanigans, Obama is pleading with insurance executives to not bail on the federal exchanges, which are causing them to lose money hand over fist (Politico) Deep into the final year of his presidency, Barack […]

Surprise: Obamacare Creates More ER Patients, Reduces ER Specialists

Well, damnitall, if only someone had gotten off their behinds and warned us that this could happen! (Science Daily) The average monthly emergency department visit increased by 5.7 percent in Illinois after the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), although the population remained essentially flat. In Massachusetts, while visits to emergency departments climbed steadily […]

Surprise: Former Senior Obama Advisor Calls For Public Option

Question: if Obamacare was doing well, would so many liberals be calling for a public option? (CNS News) “How concerned are you that ObamaCare could implode?” Chuck Todd, host of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” asked former Obama campaign manager and senior adviser David Plouffe on Sunday. Plouffe said while “almost all” of Obamacare is working, […]

Team Obama: Hey, All Those Ocare Premium Increases Are A Good Thing!

While virtually everyone else is saying that the planned Obamacare premium hikes are a bad thing, Team Obama is spinning furiously (IBD) This week Illinois’ insurance regulator said ObamaCare premiums in the state will jump as high as 55%. The Obama administration’s response to this and other news of massive rate hikes: Don’t worry. Be […]

Snap! Single Payer Is Totally Inevitable, You Guys!

As the major structural issues of Obamacare continue to crop up, issues that were exposed even before the law was passed, issues that were said were features, not bugs, ones that would lead to a leftist call for single payer, and we were told “oh, come on, stop with the conspiracies!”, well, the calls for […]

Pirate's Cove