Category Archives: Healthcare

Californians Shockingly Have An Issue With Ocare Snags, Lack Of Doctors

Well, I’m just shocked. Obama won California 60% to Romney’s 37%. Over 7.85 million voted for the ‘Bamster. What the heck are they complaining about? (LA Times) Nearly 1,500 Californians have complained to state regulators in the last four months about their Obamacare coverage purchased through California’s insurance exchange. New data reveal the biggest category […]

HHS Publishes Rules To Provide Insurers With Extra Funds Due To Risk Corridors

Remember who Conservatives warned that Team Obama would bail out insurers if they started losing money thanks to Obamacare? And how they were told they were a bunch of crazy wingnuts? And to stop going all conspiracy-ee? Yeah, about that (The Hill) Health insurance companies can count on funds from the government if ObamaCare’s risk corridor program […]

Say, We Need To Get Rid Of This Choice Habit In Healthcare

Ed Morrissey calls this a monumental quote to remember in regards to how Ocare works (NY Times) “We have to break people away from the choice habit that everyone has,” said Marcus Merz, the chief executive of PreferredOne, an insurer in Golden Valley, Minn., that is owned by two health systems and a physician group. […]

Poll Shows Majority Oppose Obama’s Contraception Mandate

Perhaps Americans understand better than Team Obama that it is silly, patronizing, patriarchal, and could cause job loss (Daily Caller) A majority of Americans — including a majority of women, independents, and young voters — oppose the contraception mandate created by Obamacare, according to a new poll set to be released Tuesday by the Family […]

BCBS: Lots Of Older And Sicker Sign Up In North Carolina

There’s a little bit of good news for Democrats regarding the federally run “Affordable” Care Exchange here in North Carolina, but, not much (WRAL) The people who signed up for health coverage with Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina through the Affordable Care Act’s online marketplace are older and sicker than expected, which could […]

FYI, Obamacare Made Another Foray Into Federal Court Today

There are actually quite a few lawsuits pending in regards to Obamacare. And the minute someone is hit with the individual mandate tax they will have standing to sue, which is a little discussed provision of the ruling by John Roberts. Here’s another (Christian Science Monitor) Senate majority leader Harry Reid violated the Constitution in […]

D.C. Looks To Tax Insurers To Pay For Obamacare

Remember Reagan’s saying about government? Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. When it comes to Obamacare, it seems more like Government’s view of the health insurance/care could be summed […]

90,000 Health Insurance Policies At Risk In Nevada Thanks To Obamacare

Do you find it as interesting as I do that a law meant to help people without health insurance obtain that insurance creates so many darned losers? (Las Vegas Review Journal) Local business owners might be hoping the Affordable Care Act’s insurance mandates cover sticker shock. The law’s employer coverage mandate doesn’t take effect until […]

Failed State Obamacare Exchanges Becoming Money Pits

But, it’s working! (WSJ) Yesterday we noted the ABC/Washington Post poll showing Mr. Obama with the lowest marks of his presidency, just two weeks after he claimed success in rolling out insurance policies under the Affordable Care Act. “This thing is working,” President Obama said of the law on April 17. Now the latest edition […]

On Obamacare Repeal: In Defense Of Rand Paul And Cathy McMorris-Rodgers

There’s been quite a few verbal barbs aimed at Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, the #4 Republican in the House, over comments about reforming Obamacare rather than repealing it. Allahpundit writes Interestingly, it’s Cathy McMorris-Rodgers’s comments about “reforming” rather than repealing the O-Care exchanges that drew most of the blog chatter this weekend, not Rand’s equally eyebrow-raising remarks […]

Pirate's Cove