February 22, 2014 – 7:06 am
At one point, Massachusetts was the model for Obamacare. Whatever your opinion of a state run insurance program, with a requirement that people must purchase health insurance, it seemed to work. Most residents supported it. Most liked it. Roughly 98% of the citizens obtained health insurance. And under the stewardship of Republican governor, it wasn’t […]
February 21, 2014 – 11:03 am
Good thing there’s nothing important going on in the world right now Watch a special message from President Obama on how you can #GetCovered right now ? http://t.co/mFUD6eGuAo, pic.twitter.com/jHCbo2UdtJ — White House Archived (@ObamaWhiteHouse) February 21, 2014 Says the man who only obtained Obamacare symbolically, but doesn’t actually have to use it himself. And keeps […]
February 21, 2014 – 7:24 am
She and other vulnerable Democrats finally realized that their Obamacare votes have consequences, so they wrote a letter (via NRO) (NRSC) Hagan’s ObamaCare “enacted $200 Billion in cuts to Medicare Advantage over 10 years” In 2009, Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC) promised North Carolinians who depend on Medicare that she was going to “protect Medicare” and that […]
February 19, 2014 – 4:05 pm
Another horror story regarding Obamacare (CBS Sacramento) A Sonora mechanic is in so much pain that he can barely walk, but he can’t seem to find a doctor to fix his ailing back after he and his wife switched their insurance coverage through Covered California. (snip) He’s still working, despite the pain. But finding a […]
February 19, 2014 – 8:10 am
This is apparently a HUGE major issue, and, of course, Republicans are mostly to blame Who will help the newly insured? Newfound health benefits often come with newfound questions. But most states have either spurned or run out of federal funding for consumer assistance programs aimed at guiding Obamacare’s newly insured through the complexities of […]
February 17, 2014 – 9:05 am
Gee, they’re just noticing this? On the other hand, it’s nice that one of the leading papers actually notices this, and the Editorial Board decides to write about it The wrong way to fix Obamacare The sprawling 2010 Affordable Care Act has proved so hard to implement… Who woulda thunk that such a massive piece […]
February 13, 2014 – 3:11 pm
About as well as one would expect for legislation written by Democrats and pushed by a president with no experience running a business (via Hot Air) (WSJ) Consumers in 515 counties, spread across 15 states, have only one insurer selling coverage through the online marketplaces, the Journal found. In more than 80% of those counties, […]
February 13, 2014 – 9:43 am
I don’t really care about this ruling vis a vis gay marriage as much as two other interesting points it brings up (Courier-Journal) In a ruling that could open the door to gay marriage in Kentucky, a federal judge has struck down the state’s ban on recognizing same-sex unions performed in states where it is […]
February 11, 2014 – 3:23 pm
Obviously, we all know, and by “all” I mean people who aren’t suckling at Obama’s teet (you’re welcome for that visual), that Ocare will cause rationing, long waits, and limited medical facilities. We’ve heard these stories again and again and again since registration launched (or should that be “launched”?) on October 1st, 2013, particularly in […]
February 11, 2014 – 7:52 am
Surely, Charles Krauthammer’s comments will be deemed raaaaacist, in order to change the subject (Fox News) Syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer took aim at the newest ObamaCare delay on “Special Report with Bret Baier” Monday, calling it “the stuff that you do in a banana republic.†The Obama administration announced it was […]