February 10, 2014 – 5:02 pm
I can see through your webcam that there was no surprise in your eyes in the least. At most, you simply rolled your eyes that Obama has unilaterly changed It’s. The. Law. yet again (Washington Post) The Obama administration announced Monday it would give medium-sized employers an extra year, until 2016, before they must offer […]
February 10, 2014 – 8:29 am
Governor Bobby Jindal puts Obamacare in context, and finds it vastly wanting in terms of economics and jobs (Politico) The verdict is in, and it’s not good: Obamacare is rippling through the U.S. economy with vast implications for American prosperity. On Friday, we learned that the Obama economy has hit stall speed, with a paltry […]
February 8, 2014 – 7:49 am
Do you remember the old Simpsons episode where Troy McClure said “there’s The Truth, and then “the truth””? With Obamacare, there’s Deadlines, and then “deadlines” (Washington Post) The Obama administration has quietly reworked rules and computer code for HealthCare.gov to try to stem an outpouring of discontent by some Americans who have discovered that the […]
February 7, 2014 – 7:30 am
If the law is so bad, so poorly written, so poorly implemented, perhaps it should simply be scrapped and replaced with legislation that works (AP) The Obama administration is considering an extension of the president’s decision to let people keep their individual insurance policies even if they are not compliant with the health care overhaul, […]
February 6, 2014 – 7:01 am
One of the “unexpected” results of the “Affordable” Care Act’s notion of reducing health care costs has been a restriction of in-network providers. This is where quite a few folks found out that if they like their doctor, they can’t keep their doctor. Since most people who signed up through the Exchanges were people who […]
February 5, 2014 – 4:17 pm
Surprise? (LA Times) After overcoming website glitches and long waits to get Obamacare, some patients are now running into frustrating new roadblocks at the doctor’s office. A month into the most sweeping changes to healthcare in half a century, people are having trouble finding doctors at all, getting faulty information on which ones are covered […]
February 5, 2014 – 2:11 pm
Jennifer Rubin makes a thought provoking point: Obamacare is bad for work 1. Obamacare was sold as a means of promoting job mobility, delinking insurance from work. Now the White House says it is delinking workers from work. At the opening of the Budget Committee hearing this morning, Chairman Paul Ryan remarked that “what is […]
February 5, 2014 – 8:13 am
Liberals, and the White House, are attempting to spin the CBO report that states that 2 million+ full time jobs will be lost thanks directly to Obamacare. They say this is not a bad thing. Do they have a point? Here’s Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post’s Fact Checker Here we go again. During the 2012 […]
February 4, 2014 – 9:19 am
You remember Cover Oregon, right? It’s the Obamacare website that has essentially singed up zero people. All the enrollments have come via old school paper applications. The website is really still not working (not that the federal website is fully working correctly, either). Now we learn (via The Blaze) (KATU) You already know the process […]
February 3, 2014 – 8:16 am
I know what you’re thinking: how could an idea born from the Affordable Care Act be a problem? (NY Times) The idea seemed transformative. The Affordable Care Act would fund a new research outfit evocatively named the Innovation Center to discover how to most effectively deliver health care, with $10 billion to spend over a […]