Category Archives: Healthcare

First Spike In Use Of Obamacare Expected Next Week

And here’s where the 1971 Ford Pinto meets the road (The Hill) The number of people seeking to use their new ObamaCare coverage for the first time is expected to spike next week. Representatives from healthcare companies, trade groups, and the Obama administration told The Hill that many who obtained new coverage under the law […]

White House: We’ll Decide Whether Someone Is Hurt By Contraception Mandate

No, really (Politico) The Obama administration Wednesday said the Affordable Care Act contraceptive coverage regulations are fair – and they don’t really hurt the Denver-based religious organization that got a temporary New Year’s Eve reprieve from Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. “We defer to the Department of Justice on litigation matters, but remain confident that […]

Happy New Year! Obamacare’s Only Going To Get Worse

HHS Head Kathleen Sebelius thinks it’s going to be a great year for the “Affordable” Care Act….because she kinda has to (Fox News) Sebelius acknowledged there could continue to be hiccups going into 2014. “There always are,” she said. “People change plans every year.” But she predicted a relatively smooth transition and said she doesn’t […]

Obamacare Supporters Really Psyched Over 1 Million Picking A Plan

And by Obamacare supporters, I mean the Major Media, who are thrilled with an Associated Press report (Washington Post) A December surge propelled health care sign-ups through the government’s rehabilitated website past the 1 million mark, the Obama administration said Sunday, reflecting new signs of life for the problem-plagued federal insurance exchange. Of the more […]

16k Iowans Need To Reapply For Obamacare

Whew! It sure seems to be getting better (Des Moines Register) Nearly 16,000 Iowans who tried to apply for coverage via the trouble-plagued federal health-insurance website are being told to apply separately through the state Department of Human Services. The Friday afternoon announcement is the latest bout of bad news about the website, which is […]

Obamacare Contraception Mandate Loses In Federal Court

Why? Because it’s “in the public interest” to follow the Constitution (Daily Caller) A federal district court judge in Houston ruled Friday in favor of two Baptist universities seeking relief from the Obamacare contraception mandate. “The religious organization plaintiffs have shown a sincerely held religious belief that the court cannot second-guess,” reads the decision handed […]

Good News: Estimates Show Double The Obamacare Enrollments Into Medicaid/SCHIP

The Washington Post’s Sarah Kliff highlights the supposed “sign-ups” on the last day or something The evidence we have so far — albeit limited — suggests that lots of Obamacare shoppers made it in just under the wire. California estimates that 27,000 people picked insurance plans this past Monday and 29,000 the Friday prior. Just last week, the […]

Oops: Slightly Over Half Of Counties In Federal Exchange Lack Affordable Obamacare Plans

Sticker shock (USA Today) More than half of the counties in 34 states using the federal health insurance exchange lack even a bronze plan that’s affordable — by the government’s own definition — for 40-year-old couples who make just a little too much for financial assistance, a USA TODAY analysis shows. Many of these counties […]

Are People Ready For The “Affordable” Care Act Deductible Sticker Shock?

Much of the focus with Obamacare, ie, the “Affordable” Care Act, has been on the premiums during the sign up season. Especially since so many have had to deal with the myriad of problems with the websites. But, there’s another bomb that will explode when people attempt to use the insurance (WRAL) As a key […]

Obamacare Enrollment Is “Absolutely Exploding” In California Or Something

You’ll notice something is missing from this article by Brett Logiurato at Business Insider Obamacare Enrollment Is Absolutely Exploding In California California’s state health insurance exchange announced Thursday a huge surge in enrollment over the past three days, as more than 50,000 people signed up for private insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Covered California, […]

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