Category Archives: Healthcare

NY Times: Say, This Obamacare Thing Isn’t Such A Great Deal For The Middle Class

Said NY Times article starts of with a Typical Human Interest story about a family that saw their premium skyrocket, and if they just made a little bit less they would be eligible for some sort of subsidy, then notes The Chapmans acknowledge that they are better off than many people, but they represent a […]

11th Hour Obamacare Exemption Allows Purchase Of Catastrophic Insurance

The unilateral President has made yet another unilateral, possibly lawless, decision (Washington Post) The Obama administration on Thursday night significantly relaxed the rules of the federal health-care law for millions of consumers whose individual insurance policies have been canceled, saying they can buy bare-bones plans or entirely avoid a requirement that most Americans have health […]

Surprise! Majority Of Uninsured Disapprove Of Obamacare

Remember how Mr. Obama and so many other Democrats told us that people would love Obamacare as time went on? How’s that working out? (NY Times) Americans who lack medical coverage disapprove of President Obama’s health care law at roughly the same rate as the insured, even though most say they struggle to pay for […]

The Small Business “Affordable” Care Act Bomb To Hit By Next October

Another day, another big concern with Obamacare (Politico) Think the canceled health policies hurt the Obamacare cause? There’s another political time bomb lurking that could explode not too long before next year’s elections: rate hikes for small businesses. Like the canceled individual health plans, it’s another example of a tradeoff that health care experts have […]

AP-GfK Poll: Insured Blame Obamacare For Rising Premiums And Deductibles

Yet another bad poll for Obama, Democrats, and their horrible partisan law (Yahoo News) Americans who already have health insurance are blaming President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul for their rising premiums and deductibles, and overall 3 in 4 say the rollout of coverage for the uninsured has gone poorly. An Associated Press-GfK poll finds […]

Think Progress Not Happy NC Legislator Says Obamacare “Worse Than Nazis And Terrorists”

Obviously, only Democrats are allowed to make those kinds of comparisons, especially comparing Republicans to terrorists for daring to want to hold federal spending in check, or when they call Republicans the Taliban. And there’s that fun phrase “Reich-wing”. Anyhow North Carolina Legislator: Obamacare Worse Than Terrorists, Stalin, Hitler Combined North Carolina State Senator Bob […]

Dems War On Women: Female Physician Belittled For Attacking Obamacare

Imagine had a Republican treated a female physician in this manner (NY Post) Dr. Patricia McLaughlin, whose ObamaCare woes were first highlighted in The Post, gave a House committee a simple prescription for the defective health care law: “Fix it!” But Democratic lawmakers pounced on her for relating how she got hit with an ObamaCare “double […]

Obama Kick Obamacare Requirements Down The Road

Another day, another problem (Politico) Why do Republicans even bother trying to delay Obamacare? President Barack Obama’s doing it all by himself. On Thursday, the Obama administration gave customers permission to pay their premiums as late as Dec. 31 for coverage that starts Jan. 1, and officially gave customers an extra week — until Dec. […]

Good News: Obamacare To Raise Cost Of Your Kids’ Braces

That’s right, another “unintended consequence” (WSJ) Here’s something your orthodontist is not smiling about: a new tax rule raised the cost of braces this year. Thanks to a change from the Affordable Care Act that places an annual $2,500 contribution cap on flexible spending accounts, which let workers set aside pre-tax dollars to cover medical […]

Duke Survey Shows Obamacare To Damage U.S. Employment And Health Benefits

Gee, if only someone had predicted that something like this could happen going back to the time before the “Affordable” Care Act was passed. This was information that people really needed! Interestingly, this survey is mostly being ignored by the national media. Nationally, I can only find an article by CBS News and a blog […]

Pirate's Cove