Category Archives: Healthcare

Amazon-like: Hill Staffers Told Not To Rely On D.C. Obamacare Website

Seriously, the comparison to is beyond ridiculous. Heck, even small consumer websites do better (The Hill) Capitol Hill staffers who signed up for ObamaCare through the Washington, D.C., healthcare exchange, called DC Health Link (DCHL), are being told to confirm their enrollments in person, and not to rely on data provided by the website. […]

“Affordable”: Prescription Meds May Take Hit Under Obamacare

The hit parade grows (The Blaze) First some consumers found they couldn’t keep their existing health insurance plans. Then others learned they couldn’t keep their doctors. Now it’s possible that under Obamacare, some people won’t be able to keep their medications, or at least not afford them, under the complex formulary structure of the plans […]

Horizon BCBS Of NJ Has Laptops With Customer Data Stolen

They aren’t quite sure whether alarm bells should be ringing because they don’t know what will be done with the data ( Nearly 840,000 Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield subscribers are being notified that their personal information may have been contained on a pair of laptops that were stolen from the insurer’s Newark headquarters last […]

MSNBC: Calling It Obamacare Is Raaaaacist

When it comes to saying something bat-guano insane, in particular pulling out the Race Card, there’s a whole range of nut-balls at MSNBC to choose from. Pretty much the entire liberal staff. In this case, it’s Melissa Harris-Perry on her Sunday show, who decided To Be Brave and say the word (Daily Caller) “I want […]

Covered California Provides Consumer Information Without Permission

Hey, why? It’s not as if President Obama and his team haven’t arbitrarily changed “It’s The Law” on a whim and gotten away with it (LA Times) Raising concerns about consumer privacy, California’s health exchange has given insurance agents the names and contact information for tens of thousands of people who went online to check […]

70% Of California Doctors Say “NO” To Obamacare

This is where the rationing and long waiting lines start (Washington Examiner) An estimated seven out of every 10 physicians in deep-blue California are rebelling against the state’s Obamacare health insurance exchange and won’t participate, the head of the state’s largest medical association said. “It doesn’t surprise me that there’s a high rate of nonparticipation,” […]

USA Today: Obamacare Isn’t Perfect, But It’s A “Decent” Fix

This one’s from 12/3, but it’s a hoot Obamacare isn’t perfect, but it’s a decent fix “Decent”. Millions have seen their health insurance dropped, Team Obama’s mid-range estimate is that 93 million will ultimately lose their plans, health care networks are being restricted, premiums and deductibles have gone through the roof, fewer people are actually […]

Obama’s Really Proud Of That Free Contraception Mandate

Really, really proud. He probably made Sandra Fluke squeal like a schoolgirl (CNS News) In a speech at TheArc arts school in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, President Barack Obama said that “100 million Americans” have gained the right to free contraception thanks to the Affordable Care Act. “In the three years since we passed this […]

Obama: Obamacare “Is Working”

No, really (The Hill) President Obama declared Tuesday that ObamaCare “is working” and that “we’re not going back,” as the White House looked to reboot its efforts to sell Americans on the president’s signature healthcare law. If he means that 5.5 million were supposed to lose their health insurance, that the bulk of people attempting […]

Obama To Pitch Don’t Call It Obamacare At Campaign Style Rally

I wonder if he’ll mention the huge increases in premiums and deductibles, and that millions have lost their plans and doctors, with tens of millions scheduled to have the same happen to them? (The Hill) President Obama will hold an event Tuesday touting the benefits of the Affordable Care Act, as the White House looks […]

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