Category Archives: Healthcare

Politico Is Super Surprised That No One Told Them About The Intended Consequences Of Obamacare

Or is it the “Affordable” Care Act? I forget which one is the proper usage, which seems to be based on how much Obama’s signature legislation is hurting him Obamacare tradeoffs: Now they tell us … President Barack Obama is suffering the worst season of his presidency because people are mad that critical parts of […]

Surprise! Obama Supporting Students Suffer O-care Sticker Shock

I have zero sympathy for these folks, who voted for this disaster (Fox News) While millions of Americans are watching their individual polices get canceled due to ObamaCare regulations, the new health care rules are also having a major impact on college campuses. For decades, universities and colleges have offered students bare-bones policies. But because […]

Blue Cross North Carolina Seeks Up To 24% Increase For Reinstated Plans

Here’s how Obama’s cancelled plans “fix” will work he in North Carolina (WRAL) Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina formally asked state regulators Tuesday to resurrect health plans that were to be canceled because they don’t meet minimum requirements under the Affordable Care Act. The move would come at significant cost to consumers, however, […]

Uh Oh: Politico’s Roger Simon Proves Bush Didn’t Lie About Iraq War

Uber-liberal opinion writer Roger Simon, not to be confused with Conservative writer Roger L. Simon at Pajamas Media, has a pithy little piece entitled President Obama: Lying liar or media target? and makes a little mistake, which destroys the moonbat arguement that Bush lied, people died The reviews are in, and Obamacare is a disaster. […]

Here We Go: NY Times Editorial Board Finally Figures Out An Angle On Obamacare

The Editorial Board of the “Paper of Record” has been strangely silent over the past couple of weeks, with only tiny mentions of the “Affordable” Care Act over the past month, despite the enormous problems that have cropped up. Their last big one was when they deemed that Obama “misspoke” when he said “if you […]

Good News: Amnesty Key To Making “Affordable” Care Act Work

I doubt that this will become a regular talking point for Democrats, but I also bet that they all thinking this (Washington Times) Rep. Jared Polis said Friday the key problem with health care right now is that illegal immigrants aren’t included in Obamacare, and said part of the solution is to pass a bill […]

39 Dems Defect On Keep Your Plan Bill

I’m really not surprised that so few Democrats put Party and Obama over country, but 39 is a good number (The Hill) The House passed legislation on Friday that allows insurance companies to offer health plans that were cancelled for not meeting new requirements under ObamaCare. Thirty-nine Democrats broke with their party’s leaders and backed […]

House To Vote On “Keep You Plan” Bill Today

I think it was a Bad Idea to bring this legislation forward: the “Affordable” Care Act is bad legislation, the rules as written by the Obama controlled HHS made it much worse, and the sooner people feel the pain themselves, the sooner we can repeal and replace this fraud of a law pushed by a […]

Is Obama’s One Year “Fix” Unconstitutional?

I’m gonna make this a quickie, gotta run soon. I’m sure you’ve read/heard about Barry’s Big Obamacare Fix (WSJ) President Barack Obama said Thursday that insurers will be able to continue health-insurance coverage next year for current policyholders that otherwise would be canceled under the new health-care law. The change marks a significant policy retreat […]

Hmm, North Carolina Has Seen 160,000 Insurance Cancellations

Did you know that? I didn’t know that. I live in NC, and have looked for the numbers many times. I guess I missed them, since none of the local news outlets published this news, or made it easily available. I found out in context of how bad things are going for NC Senator Kay […]

Pirate's Cove