Category Archives: Healthcare

Surprise: Vulnerable Dems Work To Distance Themselves From “Affordable” Care Act

The same legislation all of them who were in office in 2010 voted for (The Hill) Vulnerable Democrats are scrambling to find ways to stand apart from the White House on ObamaCare as the rollout of the high-profile law continues to struggle — and threatens their reelections. A number of red state Democrats in the […]

Whoops: Ezra Klein Lets The Cat Out Of The Bag About Keeping Your Plan

In the context of explaining just why O-care is in much worse trouble than thought, and the Mary Landrieu “keep your plan” legislation, he writes 4. The bill Landrieu is offering could really harm the law. It would mean millions of people who would’ve left the individual insurance market and gone to the exchanges will […]

Obamacare Ads Go Slutty

Obviously, I’m going to be accused of “slut shaming”. Maybe I should have used the word “skank”, having stolen this from Black and Right (Yahoo News) From the folks who brought you the “brosurance” campaign that promotes the affordable care act comes a new line of ads aimed at reminding young women the new law […]

Ahead Of Pitiful Enrollment Numbers, White House Cranks Up The Spin Machine

One thing we can always depend on from Team O and Democrats is that they never let reality get in the way of spin, and their Obamacare spin has typically made Baghdad Bob smile. Seriously, this Healthcare Tara thing is creepy. And now they’re turning it up a bit more (Politico) One thing we know: […]

Say, What Defines Success For Obamacare?

That’s something The Politico’s David Nather asks Democrats have a general idea of what it would take to put the Obamacare rollout back on track. Fix the damn website, they say, and most of the other problems will take care of themselves. But will they? The problem is that neither the administration or the House […]

Debbie Downer: Dems Are Going To Like Totally Run On Obamacare!

In all fairness, you wouldn’t expect her to say “I expect most Democrats, especially those Senators who are vulnerable, to run as far from this legislation as they can” (Red Alert Politics) Obamacare is going to be an asset for Democrats in the 2014 midterm elections, according to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.). The Florida […]

NY Times: The ACA Losers Will Be Happy They’re Paying More When They Lose Their Jobs

Over at the NY Post, Michael Goodwin argues that the NY Times’ cheerleading for Obamacare harms the nation, noting that watchdogs became lapdogs. The NY Times continues its lapdog status as the Editorial Board comes out with yet another absurd piece The debate over the effect the Affordable Care Act will have on individuals and […] VS WWII

I heard this one on Brett Baiers show yesterday, I believe it was, and figured it must be some sort of viral email going around. Yup, a friend forwarded it to me today, turned it into a graphic BTW, yet another supporter of Obama and the “Affordable” Care Act is shocked to learn that the […]

Say, How’s That ACA Enrollment Working In North Carolina?

In a word, “rocky” Rocky Start For North Carolina Health Care Exchanges North Carolina’s largest insurer is having its share of problems with the Obamacare website. Internal emails obtained by WNCN-TV show that Blue Cross Blue Shield show that only 1,000 people had filled out applications as of October 15th. In fact, only one person was able to […]

Bummer: Uninsured Not Checking Out

At least not at the moment (Politico) Less than a quarter of uninsured Americans who plan to get health insurance through the Affordable Care Act exchanges have been to an exchange website, a new poll shows. Asked if they’ve been to any government health insurance website since they were launched on Oct. 1, only 22 […]

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