Category Archives: Healthcare

Alaskans Losing Their Plans They Like, “But It’s Not Really What You Think”

Yet more Americans losing their plans because of Democrats and Obamacare (Alaska Dispatch) Premera Blue Cross, Alaska’s largest health care provider, said last week that about 5,400 Alaskans on individual plans received cancellation notices in September, because those plans do not meet the requirements under the Affordable Care Act. That’s more than half of the […]

Sorry, Colorado Residents, 250K Of You Can’t Keep Your Plan

Um, surprise? (Fox News) Almost 250,000 Colorado residents have or will have their health insurance plans cancelled under ObamaCare, the state’s Division of Insurance said Wednesday. A spokesman for the agency said in a press release that the plans are being cancelled for numerous reasons, one being that some of the plans do not meet […]

Surprise: Sebelius Says Employer Based Plans Will Face Same Hurdles As Individual Plans

I’ve mentioned several times that those who receive health insurance through their employer will soon have to deal with the same problems as individuals due to the grandfathering rules established by Health and Human Services. The administration’s own mid-range estimate was that 51% would lose their employer based plans. That would be 78 million people. […]

Dems Try To Change Subject, Bring Iraq War Into Obama Lied Debate

Liberals are furiously spinning to protect this turd of a law as it becomes quite clear that Mr. Obama knowingly lied about being able to keep your plan if you like it. Here’s another cute on (Daily Caller) President Obama’s “you can keep your health insurance” lie is now being compared to President Bush’s “lie” […]

Obama Changes “If You Like Your Plan…” Messaging

I wonder how this would have played prior to the 2012 elections? (Real Clear Politics has the video) (Fox News) The president told about 200 of his campaign supporters and health care activists Monday that the administration had promised Americans they could keep their current coverage — as long as their plans hadn’t changed since […]

Trial Balloon: Obamacare Fixes The Problem Of Insurers Ripping Off Consumers With Lousy Plans

There’s political spin, then there’s plain lying. Obama was plain lying when he said you could keep your plan (and doctor). Then there are those who are attempting to protect Obama, Democrats, and Obamacare. Many of them have crossed the line from spin to performing an oral sexual act. Yesterday we had the big NY […]

The Washinton Post Notices That There Are Lots Of Losers In Obamacare

Bloomberg’s Megan McCardle notices that consumers were sold a lemon (too bad Obama’s Consumer Protection Agency can’t do anything about that bad actor, Barack Obama), based on a New Yorker article which states that most people will either be winners or unaffected. What’s the reality? (Washington Post) Americans who face higher ­insurance costs under President […]

HHS Head Sebelius Brings Up Tickle Me Elmo In “Affordable” Care Act Discussion

Well, she was speaking to low information voters/Democrats, so she had to keep the speech at a very simply level (National Journal) Kathleen Sebelius brushed off questions Friday about reports saying only six people signed up for coverage on the first day of the Obamacare website’s operation. Speaking at a library in Memphis as part […]

Insurance Cancellation Has Always Been Baked In The Obamacare Cake

No matter how many times (NMP) Obama stated that if you liked your plan you could keep your plan, it was always a concern. Glenn Reynolds notes and reposts this CNN article (yes, CNN) Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for some of the health […]

D.C Court Of Appeals Strikes Down Contraception Mandate

One thing to remember, the contraception mandate isn’t really a mandate in terms of being in the law: HHS made the rule that employers must provide free contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients through their health insurance plans (The Hill) A federal appeals court on Friday struck down the birth control mandate in ObamaCare, concluding the requirement […]

Pirate's Cove