Category Archives: Healthcare

Sebelius Plays Blame Game With Obamacare Website Failures

We shouldn’t be surprised in the least. Remember, Kathleen Sebelius was a governor who played petty political games after the devastating Greensburg, Kansas tornado. Now, Democrats and Team Obama are attempting to get their talking points together so as to magically Blame Republicans for the failure of the Obamacare rollout (Fox News) Health and Human […]

Insurance Cancellations Soar Above Obamacare Applications

It seems to be a daily thing, finding out that some insurance company is sending out notices of cancellation due to provisions of the Affordable Care Act (Daily Caller) Hundreds of thousands of Americans who purchase their own health insurance have received cancellation notices since August because the plans do not meet Obamacare’s requirements. The […]

Contractors Blame Team Obama For Website Failures

I watched some of the hearing this morning, but had to turn it off after too much bloviating from elected officials. One thing that came out (AP) The leading contractors on the Obama administration’s troubled health insurance website told Congress Thursday that the government failed to thoroughly test the complicated system before it went live. […]

Team Obama “Tweeks” Individual Mandate Due To Website “Glitches”

This isn’t quite a case of a delay, as Republicans fought for as Plan B during Shutdown Theater (Washington Post) The Obama administration confirmed to The Washington Post a little bit ago that it is indeed tweaking the way the individual mandate works as to not penalize anyone who purchases coverage during this first open […]

Politico: President Bystander Uses His Passive Voice

Politico’s Edward-Isaac Dovere notices that Obama tends to be a bystander within his own administration and the issues it pushes. This goes back to the notion that Obama likes to be president, not do president President Obama’s Passive Voice Once again, Barack Obama risks looking like a bystander to his own presidency. Here’s what he […]

Bummer: The Initial Consumer Experience Of Didn’t Live Up To Expectations

As Obamacare ramps up with huge numbers moved to Medicaid and Medicare, along with those who will obtain insurance through the Exchanges (eventually), consumers should be prepared for lots and lots of failed expectations. Unless your expectation is poor service, poor care, byzantine dealings in order to use your insurance, lots of out of pocket […]

Bummer: The Initial Consumer Experience Of Didn’t Live Up To Expectations

As Obamacare ramps up with huge numbers moved to Medicaid and Medicare, along with those who will obtain insurance through the Exchanges (eventually), consumers should be prepared for lots and lots of failed expectations. Unless your expectation is poor service, poor care, byzantine dealings in order to use your insurance, lots of out of pocket […]

So Far, Just 476K “Affordable” Care Act Applications Filed

The administration is trumpeting this as a Big Win.. RT this–>FACT: Nearly a half million #Obamacare applications have been filed: — (@HHSGov) October 20, 2013 …but won’t say how many have actually obtained insurance (ABC News) Last week, President Barack Obama gathered some of his top advisers in the Oval Office to discuss […]

Many Doctors Not Thrilled With Obamacare Coverage

We’ve been talking about the massive failures of the Exchange websites, which are part of the reason there have been so few completed applications where people actually obtain health insurance. But, what happens when people actually get the insurance? How do docs feel about this? (NY Post) New York doctors are feeling queasy about ObamaCare […]

Insurers Complain They’re Receiving Faulty Obamacare Data

The hit parades on the “Affordable” Care Act just keep coming. apparently violates a copyright. One design firm removed all references to its work on the website. Tech experts say the entire website needs an overhaul. Buried in the code we find that you should have no reasonable thought that your information will be […]

Pirate's Cove