Category Archives: Healthcare

Even Obama’s Hometown Paper Says Obamacare’s A Mess

When we’re talking about Obamacare, the “Affordable” Care Act, the massive failure of the websites are simply a result of how bad this law is. How unwieldy. And the perfect symbol of failure. Here’s the Chicago Times Editorial Board (Chicago Tribune) If you’ve tried to sign up online for health coverage under the problem-plagued Obamacare […]

Rush – Countdown

I love this song. Always gives me goosebumps during the section where the countdown gets to 10 and under. Happened to be flipping through my MP3 player and it came up. Those 1980’s clothes, though. Sheesh. And, you know what’s amazing? In 1981 we could launch a space shuttle. Now, Los Federales can’t even get […]

Fact Checker: Three Pinocchio’s For Factually True Statements On Obamacare

Facts are apparently false. Here’s the Washington Post’s fact checker, Glenn Kessler, giving it the old college try to protect the “Affordable” Care Act, something many, many liberals, and ultra squishy “Republicans” who spend more time bashing Republicans than Democrats, have tried before “The president has exempted over 1,200 groups, including members of Congress, from […]

Why’s Obamacare Website So Glitchy? For One Thing, They Don’t Want You To Know The Costs

Essentially, those running mandated planned incompetence (Forbes) A growing consensus of IT experts, outside and inside the government, have figured out a principal reason why the website for Obamacare’s federally-sponsored insurance exchange is crashing. forces you to create an account and enter detailed personal information before you can start shopping. This, in turn, […]

Surprise: Obamacare #Failsite Used Just One Non-Competitive Bid

I’m sure you’re really, really shocked to learn this info about (via Ace) (Washington Examiner) Federal officials considered only one firm to design the Obamacare health insurance exchange website that has performed abysmally since its Oct. 1 debut. Rather than open the contracting process to a competitive public solicitation with multiple bidders, officials in […]

Keller: Republicans Should Be Cheering The “Affordable” Care Act

Here’s the NY Times’ Bill Keller with The Rest Of The Story Unless you’ve been bamboozled by the frantic fictions of the right wing, you know that the Affordable Care Act, familiarly known as Obamacare, has begun to accomplish its first goal: enrolling millions of uninsured Americans, many of whom have been living one medical […]

Wash Post: “Obamacare Save My Family!!!!!”

I’m waiting for the opinion piece “Obamacare killed my family when my employer dropped my hours to part time and dropped our coverage” Obamacare saved my family from financial ruin House Speaker John Boehner and his tea party friends shut down the U.S. government because of people like me. I am the mother of an […]

Only 51K Complete “Affordable” Care Act Applications

That’s out of tens of millions of web-hits. They had over 3 years to plan for this. $634 million spent on setting up the federal ACA website. $313 million to set up the website for “Covered California”. Huge sums to set up the ExchangeFails in the other states that are participating. Yet… (UK Dailymail) Just […]

Know What The Problem With Obamacare Is? We’re Too Stupid To Understand It

I’m not sure if telling Americans they aren’t particularly smart is the best way to sell a product…but, then, we did have over 50% vote for Obama Are We Smart Enough for Obamacare? Leaving aside the perceptions of Obamacare that prove so vexing to conservatives, there’s a huge problem with the current conception of the […]

Surprise: Obama Admin. Refuses To Release Enrollment Numbers Till November

I’m thinking they’ll report the numbers sometime between the 27th and 29th (Jake Tapper) The Obama administration is not planning on releasing enrollment numbers on Obamacare until November, senior administration officials said Monday, as they continued to insist that delays with the website were entirely the result of high volume. “We will release monthly […]

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