October 7, 2013 – 9:02 am
“If you like you insurance plan, you can keep it” continues to ring hollow (NJ.com) Â Hundreds of thousands of New Jerseyans opened the mail last week to find their health insurance plan would no longer exist in 2014 because it does not cover all the essential benefits required by the Affordable Care Act. The news […]
October 6, 2013 – 8:00 am
Will the “Affordable” Care Act end up helping some Americans? Sure. Even the worst written law will help some people. The ACA will surely help illegal aliens. It’ll also help those with pre-existing conditions. Not only can they not be denied coverage, but they supposedly can’t be charged more than healthy people (though the example […]
October 5, 2013 – 8:06 am
No website is perfect. Things happen. My host, Dreamhost, has certainly had their share of issues over the years, from minor annoyances to huge outages. Of course, they, like all sorts of giant individual websites, like CNN, Fox News, Youtube, etc, rarely go down, especially for “planned maintenance”. Obamacare? (The Hill) Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) […]
October 2, 2013 – 2:55 pm
He has more cajones than Congressional Republicans (via Ace) (UK Daily Mail) The lawsuit, filed by Dr. Larry Kawa, claims that the regulatory changes violate the Administrative Procedure Act and go beyond President Obama’s constitutional powers. ‘He has no more power to do that than your or I,’ Kawa told reporters during a press conference […]
October 1, 2013 – 8:25 am
President of the Democrat Party Barack Obama says that his signature law will have “glitches” for at least several months. Who’s shocked? (Fox News) The sales pitches for and against ObamaCare have all been made. It’s now up to Americans to judge whether the law works as advertised, as the so-called insurance “exchanges†launch Tuesday. […]
September 30, 2013 – 5:57 pm
They’ve only had 3+ years to get this done (Reuters) The U.S. government on Thursday announced new delays in rolling out President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform, saying small business and Spanish-language health insurance enrollment services would not begin on October 1 as planned. The postponements amount to a few weeks out of a months-long enrollment […]
September 29, 2013 – 8:37 am
The GOP passed a revised continuing resolution Saturday, which seeks to delay the “Affordable” Care Act individual mandate for a year, along with repealing the tax on medical devices (that last is popular with Democrats, too). As John Boehner pointed out, this is what the American People want (well, most want the “Affordable” CA immolated […]
September 28, 2013 – 8:12 am
Continuing with his normal use of the resources of the White House, owned by The People of the USA, for hyper-partisan campaign style speeches, (NMP) Obama loves him some “Affordable” Care Act for Other People, and whines at Republicans (video here, if you can stomach it) in his Weekly Address Hi, everybody Democrat voters (WT-had […]
September 26, 2013 – 11:33 am
Thanks in part to the “Affordable Care Act”, all these youths will wait in long lines to get substandard health care from a limited amount of doctors. Oh, and will be lucky to get a low paying part time job in the fast food industry, thanks to Obama policies, including the ACA (Patch) President Obama […]
September 26, 2013 – 7:14 am
Everything in Liberal World is a sob story, meant to tug like Mastiff with a sock on the heart strings in some form or fashion, regardless of the damage Democrat policies do (Daily Caller) A bright-eyed young woman featured as a happy participant in an ad for the government’s new Obamacare exchanges is also the […]