September 25, 2013 – 8:40 am
The Washington Post’s Sandhya Somashekhar and Sarah Kliff spend a long, long time telling us just how super great awesome the new Obamacare premiums will be, based on a DHS report released Wednesday (which is interesting, since the article was posted at 12:01 am on Wednesday) The report, released Wednesday by the Department of Health […]
September 24, 2013 – 10:33 am
Politico finally notices that Obamacare is a train wreck. Of course, said train wreck is based on a throwaway line the Obama campaign came up with on the spur of the moment because Obama knew nothing about healthcare prior to attending a campaign event. This follows on the heals of the Washington Post noticing that […]
September 23, 2013 – 11:37 am
Let them live under the rules they seem to like so much (Daily Caller) Arguing federal workers should not get special treatment, Rand Paul says he does not want taxpayers subsidizing the personal health care plans of any federal employee — including Chief Justice John Roberts — anymore. With some in Congress arguing lawmakers and […]
September 18, 2013 – 10:40 am
I bet you’re really, really surprised (Forbes) Walgreen and another 17 large employers are turning to a new concept of giving them money to buy health benefits via private online marketplaces known as exchanges. Aon Hewitt, the large employee benefits consultancy, said Walgreens will be the largest employer thus far to join its Aon Hewitt […]
September 17, 2013 – 8:42 am
They can ask, but they won’t get it (The Hill) Franchise restaurant owners have come to Washington seeking a change to ObamaCare that they say could prevent them from having to cut their employees’ hours. The healthcare law requires large employers to provide insurance to employees who work at least 30 hours per week. Franchise […]
September 16, 2013 – 8:22 am
And not only do they care, they want to know all the details. We already know that Los Federales want to know about so many other things in your life, like whether you’re enjoying your 2nd Amendment Rights (not mandatory, but the Feds recommend asking), every single bit of financial information, and other bits of […]
September 12, 2013 – 8:00 am
The hit parade keeps playing on (Orlando Sentinel) SeaWorld Entertainment Inc. is reducing hours for thousands of part-time workers, a move that would allow the Orlando-based theme-park owner to avoid offering those employees medical insurance under the federal government’s health-care overhaul. SeaWorld confirmed the move Monday in a brief written statement to the Orlando Sentinel. […]
August 17, 2013 – 1:15 pm
Who would have possibly thought that a 2,000+ page bill with over 20,000 pages (so far) of regulations would be so difficult? (NY Times) Navigators are seen as crucial to the success of the law. As the Jan. 1 deadline approaches when most Americans will be required to have health coverage or pay a fine, […]
August 17, 2013 – 8:54 am
We should not be surprised that (NMP) Obama is using the official resources of the White House for partisan attacks, should we? That’s all he does. Most presidents attempt to bring people together, or at least act like the President of the American People, not president of their Party (WEEKLY ADDRESS: Working to Implement the […]
August 14, 2013 – 9:33 am
That’s what a real 97% consensus looks like, but, it can’t be that bad, can it? One would think that those who work in the federal workforce are overwhelmingly Democrat. In fact “35.1% of those who participated identified themselves as a Republican. 30.8% identified themselves as independents and 30.7% identified themselves as a Democrat.” A […]