Category Archives: Healthcare

Add Caps On Out-Of-Pocket Insurance Costs To Long List Of Obamacare Delays

Who would have thought that such a huge bill with 20,000 pages (and growing) of regulations would be so hard to implement? (via The Blaze) (NY Times) In another setback for President Obama’s health care initiative, the administration has delayed until 2015 a significant consumer protection in the law that limits how much people may […]

ObamaCare To Target Charitable Hospitals

We had to pass the bill in order to find out what was in it, and to give HHS a chance to pass 20,000 pages and counting of regulations (Daily Caller) Charitable hospitals that treat uninsured Americans will be subjected to new levels of scrutiny of their nonprofit status and could face sizable new fines […]

Obama: “GOP Wants To Deny Health Insurance To 30 Million”

Alas, I did not hear or watch Obama’s press conference, because I was doing something American’s in growing numbers aren’t, thanks to Obama’s policies, including ObamaCare: working a full time job (Daily Caller) President Barack Obama took his budget-crisis rhetoric out for a drive Friday, rolling right over the much-publicized call by three GOP Senators […]

Surprise: Obamacare Way Behind In Testing IT Security

The trainwreck continues (Reuters) The federal government is months behind in testing data security for the main pillar of Obamacare: allowing Americans to buy health insurance on state exchanges due to open by October 1 The missed deadlines have pushed the government’s decision on whether information technology security is up to snuff to exactly one […]

Municipalities Look To Get Their Unionized Employees Of Cadillac Plans And Into Obamacare

Remember the days when Obamacare was meant to be a way for the 30-45 million Americans with no health insurance to obtain health insurance? Good times, good times (NY Times) Cities and towns across the country are pushing municipal unions to accept cheaper health benefits in anticipation of a component of the Affordable Care Act […]

Congress Gets Their Own Obamacare Exemption

Some are calling this a waiver: it’s not. Senators, Representatives, and their aides and staff will still have to get their insurance through the Exchange (Politico) Lawmakers and staff can breathe easy — their health care tab is not going to soar next year. The Office of Personnel Management, under heavy pressure from Capitol Hill, […]

Detroit Looks To Use Obamacare To Deal With Its Debt

Another reason to hate Obamacare, as Detroit shifts its debt from itself and all the untenable promises it made onto the bulk of the American taxpayer (NY Times) As Detroit enters the federal bankruptcy process, the city is proposing a controversial plan for paring some of the $5.7 billion it owes in retiree health costs: […]

Obamacare Desperation: Meeting With Celebs Who’ll Never Use It To Push It

And then Hollywood and other entertainment will be surprised when their shows tank because people come to be entertained, not bombarded with political propaganda (CNN) President Barack Obama, hoping to pitch his signature health care law to younger Americans, will get some help from a cadre of Hollywood stars who have volunteered to help promote […]

Good News: ObamaCare To Lower Indiana Premiums By 72%

Did I say lower? Sorry, was just going with all the ObamaCare-Zombie talking points (Indystar) Insurance rates in Indiana will increase 72 percent for those with individual plans and 8 percent for small group plans under President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul, according to the state’s insurance department. The spike in costs is due primarily to […]

Obama To Work Hard Pushing Obamacare

Democrats up for re-election in 2014 hardest hit (The Hill) President Obama criticized Republicans on Thursday for “the same old song and dance” on ObamaCare, vowing to “blow through” their criticisms to implement his signature healthcare law. [WATCH VIDEO] Seeking to bolster his unpopular healthcare law in a speech from the White House, Obama contrasted […]

Pirate's Cove