Category Archives: Healthcare

As People Complain About Student Loans, Don’t Forget: Obamacare

Rarely a day goes by without one of the big news sites complaining in some form or fashion about the coming hike in the student loan percentage. It could be an elected politician, a student group, or Obama, or simply the news outlet. Like today in The Politico Congress returns to Washington this week groping […]

Obamacare Exchanges Won’t Bother Verifying Income

What could possibly go wrong? (Washington Post) The Obama administration announced Friday that it would significantly scale back the health law’s requirements that new insurance marketplaces verify consumers’ income and health insurance status. Instead, the federal government will rely more heavily on consumers’ self-reported information until 2015, when it plans to have stronger verification systems […]

Delaying The Employer Mandate Was A Huge Mistake By Team Obama

Like you, I’ve had time today to listen to the talking heads and read the blog posts on Obama delaying the rollout of the employer mandate (read Gabriel Malor’s discussion of what the mandate is). Erika Johnson has a good breakdown as to the massive job losses that will now be put off till after […]

Surprise! Obama Delays Employer Mandate Until After 2014 Midterms

First Democrats wrote Obamacare to make sure that the painful parts would start after the 2012 election, now Team Obama looks to make sure that the employer mandate kicks in after the midterms. Kudos to The Hill for pointing this out in their headline. The ObamaCare employer mandate requiring businesses to provide their workers with […]

HHS Dictates What Forms Of Payment Insurers Will Take

Does anyone remember, during the time when the Democrat controlled House and Senate were looking to pass Obamacare, if the notion that the legislation made any determination as to what forms of payment would be required to purchase health insurance was mentioned? Yeah, me neither ( The U.S.Department of Health and Human Services last week […]

AP: You May Be Losing That Health Plan You Like Under Obamacare

Nice to see that the Associated Press finally notices something that Obamacare opponents pointed out even before it was passed Like your health care policy? You may be losing it Many people who buy their own health insurance could get surprises in the mail this fall: cancellation notices because their current policies aren’t up to […]

Obamacare To Cost $1.8 Trillion Over First 10 Years

Fortunately, the IRS will be the enforcement agency for Obamacare, wanting tons and tons of your personal and private information, and the person in charge of the IRS department which targeted the TEA Party is running the IRS health care office, so, hey, what else could go wrong? (Washington Examiner) When President Obama was selling […]

SC House Passes Bill Making Obamacare Enforcement A Crime

Might this empower and lead other States to do the same? (Fox News) The bill, approved Wednesday by a vote of 65-39, declares President Obama’s signature legislation “null and void.” Whereas the law that Obama pushed and Congress passed is known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, South Carolina’s law would be known […]

Harry Reid: We Need More Money To Keep Obamacare From Becoming A Train Wreck

Sorry, Harry, Obamacare was a train wreck even before it was passed, and no one has bothered to close the track since (The Hill) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says he shares colleagues’ concerns that the Affordable Care Act could become a “train wreck” if it’s not implemented properly. Reid warned that people will […]

An ObamaCare Waiver For Congress, White House, And Staff?

Otherwise, their might be a “brain drain” (Politico) Congressional leaders in both parties are engaged in high-level, confidential talks about exempting lawmakers and Capitol Hill aides from the insurance exchanges they are mandated to join as part of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, sources in both parties said. The talks — which involve Senate […]

Pirate's Cove