Category Archives: Healthcare

Obamacare Incompetence

—>shocked face<— (Time) Let me try to understand this: The key incentive for small businesses to support Obamacare was that they would be able to shop for the best deals in health care super-stores—called exchanges. The Administration has had 3 years to set up these exchanges. It has failed to do so. This is a […]

Could A Newer Lawsuit Sink Obamacare?

The longer this turd of a government program sticks around the hard it will be to dismantle it, and it would require a GOP congress and president to repeal it. The soonest would be 2017 (Washington Times) “Obamacare” looks increasingly inevitable, but one lawsuit making its way through the court system could pull the plug […]

Surprise! ObamaCare To Significantly Increase Health Care Costs

If only there were people who told us this stuff before they passed the Affordable (snicker) Care Act (Daily Caller) Under the Affordable Care Act, medical claim costs, the largest driver of health insurance premiums, are expected to increase by 32 percent for individuals, a new study by the Society of Actuaries finds. Though some […]

Massive Obamacare Application Asks About Registering To Vote

Should anyone be surprised that the humongous draft application for Obamacare health insurance delves into areas it shouldn’t? (Washington Examiner) The 61-page online Obamacare draft application for health care includes asking if the applicant wants to register to vote, raising the specter that pro-Obama groups being tapped to help Americans sign up for the program […]

As Obamacare Turns Three Americans Still Not Lovin’ It

Gee, what’s not to love about legislation that remakes 1/6th of the US economy, insinuating the Government into all our health decisions, raising costs, creating yet another unfunded liability where a board of unelected bureaucrats will be able to make decisions that affect our quality of health care (IPBA), where companies will drop their generous […]

Surprise: Insurers Warn Of Skyrocketing Costs Due To Obamacare

Nancy Pelosi stated that “we have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it.” Well, no, not really, because pundits were saying before hand that Obamacare would cause the cost of health insurance to rise. Looks like they were right (AP) Some Americans could see their insurance bills double next year as the […]

Applying For Obamacare Could Be As Fun As Doing Taxes

ObamaCare gets more and more fun as each day passes (via Hot Air) (AP) Applying for benefits under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul could be as daunting as doing your taxes. The government’s draft application runs 15 pages for a three-person family. An outline of the online version has 21 steps, some with additional […]

Oh, Snap: “Obama Prepares To Screw His Base”

I appreciate Buzz Feed’s Ben Smith giving me a good and hearty belly laugh first thing in the morning with that headline, and even funnier as one starts to read the article President Obama’s enemies often accuse him, in the starkest political terms, of crudely acting to shift resources toward his political base: Green energy […]

Obama Decides To Restart The Fight With Religious Institutions Regarding Mandate

Many in the Legacy Media are hailing the new proposed rule regarding religious institutions and contraception, and only ones who hold weekly services, mind you, as super crazy awesome, which highlight how super crazy awesome Obama is. The Lightbringer! Everntually they quietly get around to mentioning that religious institutions aren’t happy with the new rule, […]

Surprise! ObamaCare Plans Start At $20,000 For Family Of 4

This is even before deductibles and out of pocket expenses, not to mention the other costs to the American taxpayer (CNS News) In a final regulationissued Wednesday, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assumed that under Obamacare the cheapest health insurance plan available in 2016 for a family will cost $20,000 for the year. Under Obamacare, […]

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