November 13, 2012 – 8:01 am
Many people got on John Boehner’s case for saying that Obamacare is now “the law of the land.” Unfortunately, he’s right. With the loss of the race for the White House, and no control of the Senate, there is now way for the GOP to repeal it, or even water it down and/or limit its […]
November 6, 2012 – 8:46 am
You’ve probably heard about the massive number of jobs and energy killing regulations planned by Obama’s EPA to hit after the election. What about with Obamacare? (Politico) The bottled-up rules to set up President Barack Obama’s health care reform law are going to start flowing quickly right after Election Day. But how long will that […]
October 10, 2012 – 8:33 am
Who would have seen this coming? Legislation has consequences out in the Real World (Washington Times) The owner of Olive Garden and Red Lobster restaurants is putting more workers on part-time status in a test aimed at limiting costs from President Obama’s health care law. Darden Restaurants Inc. declined to give details but said the […]
September 20, 2012 – 7:57 am
Remember back to the beginning of the long, long idiocy of passing Obamacare: the talking points of the day were to make sure that the 30-45 million uninsured were provided with health insurance. Then, over the following 10 months of ignoring the economic conditions, Democrats trotted out the travesty that is Obamacare, which is still […]
September 10, 2012 – 8:46 am
…everyone relax. (AP) Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, who promised early in his campaign to repeal President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, says he would keep several important parts of the overhaul. “Of course there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I’m going to put in place,” he […]
August 10, 2012 – 8:08 am
Who would have thought that this could happen? Considering that Obamacare is well over 2,000 pages, written by all manners of different people and industries, and wasn’t read by anyone who voted “Aye”, it’s really surprising that there could be so many bugs (some intentional, many not) with the law. Like this surely unintentional bug […]
August 8, 2012 – 8:22 pm
Strange how just about everything seems to go up in cost thanks to Obamacare (via The Lonely Conservative) (Fox Business) The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has been blamed for a lot of things—higher taxes, potential insurance rate hikes, and now, higher pizza prices. According to Papa John’s Founder, Chairman and CEO John H. […]
July 28, 2012 – 9:20 am
The Democrats who wrote, passed, and support the “American Care Act” probably thought that companies would just roll over and willingly pay a higher tax rate for their medical devices. Alas, the Real World has intruded on the Dem fantasies of collecting more tax money to spread around to their campaign contributors and voters (Fox […]
July 18, 2012 – 7:40 am
Can anyone guess why? (WRAL) The University of North Carolina system requires all students to have health insurance coverage, but the cost of a plan the system offers has more than doubled in two years. The insurance requirement started in 2010, and about one-third of students on the system’s 16 university campuses buy their policy […]
July 17, 2012 – 10:51 am
Also, doesn’t Ezra Klein know that calling the Affordable Care Act “Obamacare” is raaaaacist? Case Western Reserve University’s Jonathan Adler and Cato Institute’s Michael Cannon argue in a new paper that any federally-established health insurance exchange does not have the authority to dole out health insurance subsidies. Those subsidies are important: They are the $800 […]