Category Archives: Healthcare

People Still Think Obama’s Signature Legislation, ObamaCare, Is Terrible Legislation

Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass the bill to know what’s in it. Democrats did just that, by offering bribes and using cheap parliamentary tricks, despite massive outcry over the legislation, and now that we know what’s in it, it hasn’t gotten more popular. People are not resigned to accepting it. And the polls […]

Obama Calls Mandate A Tax

Remember this? Mr. Obama’s teleprompter failed him again President Obama used the word “tax” to describe the health care mandate under his reforms, a departure from his prior etymological stance that it is a penalty. “By the way, if you’ve got health insurance, you’re not getting hit by a tax,” the president said during his […]

Gov. Scott Walker Provides Some Facts On The Devastation Obamacare Will Create

In an editorial at the Washington Post, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker points out that Wisconsin, under his leadership, was able to appropriate $1.2 billion in increasing Medicare spending for his state by “putting in place the long-term structural changes needed to make our budget sustainable” which allows Wisconsin to make sure they take care of […]

Hmm: 83% Of Doctors Have Considered Quitting Thanks To Obamacare

The obvious solution is to mandate that doctors keep working under Comrade Obama (The Daily Caller) Eighty-three percent of American physicians have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama’s health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association. The DPMA, a non-partisan association of doctors and patients, surveyed a […]

Politico Offers 5 Ways To Kill Obamacare Without Repeal

Romney has said that “What the Court did not do on its last day in session, I will do on my first day if elected President of the United States. And that is I will act to repeal Obamacare.” Obviously, that doesn’t mean he will abolish it by executive order, as many liberals, including the […]

Mitch McConnell Says That Covering 30 Million People Isn’t The Point

I’ll admit, McConnell didn’t do a really good job of explaining the Republican position on Repeal and Replace, but, he did have a good point, which Obama cheerleader Greg Sargent misses Mitch McConnell’s appearance today on Fox News Sunday was remarkably revealing — it showed as clearly as you could want that the Supreme Court […]

States In No Hurry To Implement Health Insurance Exchanges

Most states have been lollygagging on creating the health insurance exchanges, ie, government sponsored insurance plans that include government mandates on coverage offered through governmentally approved insurance companies that everyone and every company must move to if they make any changes to their existing plans, and plan on continued lollygagging (WRAL) North Carolina lawmakers said […]

SCOTUS Finds Mandate Constitutional As A Tax

It looks like the Mandate was shot down as the Commerce Clause applies, but was upheld as a tax. It seems that the court may have punted, 5-4 with John Roberts joining the liberals, the decision down the road to 2014 when the Mandate goes into effect (CNN) Question: Can the court decide the constitutionality […]

Romney: Obamacare Is A “Moral Failure”

Mitt doesn’t hold back (MSNBC) Mitt Romney reserved some of his harshest criticism of President Barack Obama’s health care reform law for the eve of the Supreme Court ruling that will decide its fate, labeling the law as “moral failure” by a president who chose to focus on healthcare, rather than jobs, at a time […]

It’s Mandate-maggedon: Obama Prepares 3 Speeches

Today is the day we should learn the fate of Obamacare. Will the mandate be upheld or go down? If it goes down, will the Court rule that there is no severability and tank the entire law? Will they tank other parts of the law? We should find out about 10am. In the meantime, Obama […]

Pirate's Cove