Category Archives: Healthcare

As We Await Mandatemageddon, ObamaCare Still Pretty Darned Unpopular

But, says this poll, so is the current US health system. Must have really killed Obama cheerleader Chris Cillizza to write this (Washington Post) A majority of Americans view both the United States’ current health care system and the changes enacted in President Obama’s health care bill in an unfavorable light — a one-two punch […]

E.J. Dionne Wonders If We’ll Miss Obamacare If SCOTUS Kills It

Does anyone think Obamacare supporters are getting a bit nervous over the coming announcement as to how the Supreme Court rules on Obamacare? Here’s EJ Dionne’s take Any day now, the U.S. Supreme Court may make possible something that has yet to happen: an honest and complete discussion of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care […]

NY Times: Democrats Thought Mandate Was Constitutional Because They Said It Was Constitutional

Things are getting a little tense for Democrats and the far left Democrat voters as they see the good possibility that the Obamacare health insurance mandate will be shot down this week by the Supreme Court. There is even the possibility that the whole thing will be shot down because the wholly Democrat legislation did […]

Betting Markets Predict Obamacare Mandate Is Toast

Here’s some good news for a Saturday afternoon (ABC News) From New York to London, traders on the political stock market Intrade are buying stock to predict how the court will rule. And if the market is any indication, the decision is not going to be pretty for the president. There is a 75 percent […]

High Court’s Decision On ObamaCare Could Seriously Bum Out Progressives

Awwwwwww, what a shame (The Hill) A Supreme Court decision striking down President Obama’s healthcare law would be a blow not just to Obama, but to the decades-long push for universal healthcare. As most realize, that is what ObamaCare is about: a step towards putting the federal government in charge of the health care decisions […]

Excitable Juan Williams: Killing The Mandate Will Harm Voter Trust Of Supreme Court

We last saw Juan Williams getting beaten like a rented mule by Michelle Malkin. He now has an article out proclaiming that if the Supreme Court rules against Obamacare they will damage the trust of the voters who, um, don’t vote for the Supreme Court in the first place (The Hill)Every political strategist working the […]

The More People Know About ObamaCare, The More People Will Love It

Yeah, remember that talking point from Obama? How’s that working out? Must have killed the NY Times to publish this More than two-thirds of Americans hope the Supreme Court will overturn some or all of the 2010 health care law, according to a new poll conducted by The New York Times and CBS News. Just […]

Catholic Organizations Sue Obama Admin. Over Contraceptive Mandate

Nancy Pelosi told us “we have to pass the bill to know what’s in it,” (NMP) Obama said “If you like your health insurance, you can keep it.” We were told that the more we know about Obamacare, the more we’d like it. How’s that working out? (CNS News) The Archdiocese of New York, headed […]

Contraceptive Mandate Forces Franciscan U. To Drop Health Insurance

Apparently, that “compromise” didn’t assuage the university, and we can probably expect many more to follow suit (depending on who wins the election) (Life News) Franciscan University appears to be the first casualty of the new Obama HHS mandate that requires Catholic colleges, groups and businesses to pay for drugs that may cause abortions and […]

GOP Study Shows Companies Would Save Money By Dropping Health Care Offerings, Paying Fine

Highlighting what we’ve known for quite some time (Washington Times) Trying to build their case that President Obama’s health care law will destroy traditional employer-sponsored insurance, House Republicans released a study Tuesday showing that the largest companies could save billions by kicking workers off their current health plans and pushing them into government-subsidized exchanges. In […]

Pirate's Cove