Category Archives: Healthcare

Fearmongering Today: If Court Strikes Down Mandate, States Might Have To Pass Their Own

It’s time for another breathless look in the crystal ball to find out “OMG, if the mandate is struck down, Bad Things might possibly happen!!!!!!!” Remember when the news used to be about things that have happened, rather than seeing reporters do their best Madame Zelda impression? (Politico) If the Supreme Court strikes down the […]

Good News: Obama Admin. Diverts $500 Million To IRS For Obamacare

Remember, though, that Obamacare is somehow going to save the American people lots and lots of money (The Hill) The Obama administration is quietly diverting roughly $500 million to the IRS to help implement the president’s healthcare law. The money is only part of the IRS’s total implementation spending, and it is being provided outside […]

Here We Go: “Being Uninsured Is A Mandate, Too”

It seems that, in Democrat World, the fact that the majority of American citizens are dead set against the individual mandate, and Obamacare, matters little, because Democrats know what is best for you stupid citizens, and you should be thanking them for forcing you to either purchase health insurance or pay a fine. Dem supporters […]

Obama Weighs In On Possible Mandate Ruling With Typical Pomposity

It’s hard to believe this guy was ever a Constitutional teacher…..well, maybe the constitution of Russia or Venezuala. But, then, it’s hard to believe someone with so little real world experience who authored no legislation would be elected President (Fox News) President Obama, employing his strongest language to date on the Supreme Court review of […]

Politico Hyperventilates Over What Might Happen If Obamacare Mandate Falls

So far, Liberals have been attempting to position who’s to blame if the Mandate falls, and the blame doesn’t include “it’s unconstitutional” and “people really hated it.” They’ve also pushing the notion that if the Mandate is ruled stupid, er, unconstitutional, then single payer should be instituted, what I think of as the “if you […]

If ObamaCare Falls, The Obvious Answer For Replacement Is….Single Payer?

The Stateists are really, really worried about the fate of ObamaCare. They’ve already started throwing around blame and coming up with excuses, said excuses not including “hey, it was unconstitutional” and “people really, really hated the Mandate.” And they’ve also decided to push something else if Obamacare goes down. Witness Eugene Robinson In arguments before […]

E.J. Dionne Works Hard To Spin A Possible Defeat Of The Individual Mandate

As we await the decision from the Supreme Court regarding the Mandate, and perhaps even the striking down of Obamacare, liberals are searching hard for ways to show that the problem wasn’t the law, but with the people who rule on the law. I highlighted a bit of that yesterday. And here comes ultra-liberal E.J. […]

Mandate Day 3: Perhaps Not Stricken Due To “Severability”?

An interesting point raised by SCOTUS blog The Supreme Court spent 91 minutes Wednesday operating on the assumption that it would strike down the key feature of the new health care law, but may have convinced itself in the end not to do that because of just how hard it would be to decide what to […]

Liberals Already Looking For Excuses If Mandate Goes Down

After a horrendous day for Obamacare’s chief council in front of the Supreme Court, one in which the far left justices had to remind him of his talking points, liberal supporters of this unconstitutional extension of the Central Government’s power are desperately reaching for any rationale to shift blame. Here’s James Carville “I think this […]

SCOTUS To Hear Core Arguments On Mandate Today

Monday was the preliminarily remarks, attempting to set certain boundaries and assess a few basic questions. Politico provides 5 takeaways, which include The feds’ taxing power argument may be D.O.A. The justices don’t seem willing to let the Obama administration have it both ways on the tax argument — a point that one of the […]

Pirate's Cove