Category Archives: Healthcare

Politico: 5 Things To Watch In ObamaCare Hearing

That’s right, today is the day the oral arguments start over the constitutionality of Affordable Care Act. Perhaps they should start with the name, since the legislation is anything but affordable. Anyhow, the NY Times points out that day 1 will be excruciatingly boring, as it will be a discussion over whether the High Court […]

In Debunking Myths About Obamacare, Washington Post Forgets To Debunk Them

They’re just “challenging everything you know”, and essentially proving you, meaning those who understand Obamacare, rather than simply being cheerleaders for a bill you didn’t read, 100% correct (WP) 1. The “individual mandate” forces everyone to buy health insurance. The law states that, beginning in 2014, individuals must ensure that they and their dependents are […]

DOJ Argues No Severability With ObamaCare Mandate

With Obamacare, the 100% Democrats who wrote this intrusive and hated law forgot to put severability within, and there has been much discussion, even within court cases, that if the mandate to purchase health insurance or pay a fine/tax goes down, so does the whole bill. The DOJ accidentally makes a mistake in arguing that […]

Obama Not Too Excited To Celebrate Two Year Anniversary Of ObamaCare

He hasn’t been too excited to discuss it in public, either, mostly mentioning it during fundraisers with the 1%, who can already afford really good insurance plans. He rather failed to discuss it during the State Of The Union. He avoided the subject during the run up to the 2010 midterms. He must really be […]

On Contraception Mandate, HHS Runs More Rules Up The Flagpole

Far left liberal blogs, pundits, and elected lawmakers may think that the GOP opposition to the HHS contraception, sterilization, and abortifacient mandate on religious organizations is a “war on women”, but, even HHS and the Obama admin are starting to realize that the longer this debate goes on, the more the American public will come […]

Obama DOJ Shifts ObamaCare Defense To “Necessary and Proper Clause”

Fortunately, Obama is using tons of taxpayer money to defend a law that most taxpayers hate (The Hill) The Obama administration has shifted its legal arguments as it prepares to defend the president’s healthcare law before the Supreme Court. Some legal experts say the shift could steer the case in a direction that would make […]

CBO: Cost Of ObamaCare Way Up, Those Covered By Private Insurers Way Down

Reuters is spinning hard, but, can’t quite get away from the dismal numbers, written to be as confusing as possible. The Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein is having none of it President Obama’s national health care law will cost $1.76 trillion over a decade, according to a new projection released today by the Congressional Budget Office, […]

2,000+ Page ObamaCare Creates Another 640 Pages On Exchanges

This isn’t uniquie, either. There’s already around 6,000 extra pages of regulations written due to the unpopular law, and here comes more ( The Obama administration Monday finalized an ambitious blueprint for new state-based markets that will offer consumers one-stop shopping along the lines of (snip) Reaction on Monday to the 640-page rule was […]

HHS Ruler With Unfettered Power Tells Us Why ObamaCare Is Grrrrrr-reat!

I wonder if Kathleen Sebelius has considered that she won’t always be the head of Health and Human Services, and that a Republican President could put a Republican in place who will have the same unfettered power to change everything up. Anyhow, she pens an op-ed for the Politico, telling us why the legislation that […]

Team Obama Really Excited To Treat Women As An Uninformed Voter Block

Whether or not this contraceptive/abortifacient mandate rule was intentionally passed to shift the focus from Obama’s pathetic record on the economy, deficits, debt, energy prices, wasting money, etc, that has been the upshot, with his buddies in the MFM falling right in line, such as this front page NY Times article: Obama Plans Big Effort […]

Pirate's Cove