Category Archives: Healthcare

Judge Sides With Trump On Cost Sharing Payments, Refuses To Force Federal Government To Make Them

Who would have thought that a judge would not require the federal government to not make payments to insurance companies that another judge had already ruled unConstitutional (The Hill) A federal court in California has struck down an emergency motion that would have forced the Trump administration to continue making ObamaCare subsidy payments to insurers. […]

Trump To Now End Ocare Cost-Sharing Subsidies, As Were Never Authorized By Congress

As you can imagine, this has sent Obamacare supporters (who mostly do not use Ocare themselves) into a tizzy. Moonbat Level 10. Given them the vapors (Politico) President Donald Trump plans to cut off subsidy payments to insurers selling Obamacare coverage in his most aggressive move yet to undermine the health care law, according to […]

Trump To Enable More People To Get Health Insurance With His Pen

This has made Obamacare supporters who have been saying that the whole point of Obamacare is to enable more people to obtain affordable healthcare very upset. These same people also had zero problem with Obama legislating with his pen Fed up with Congress, Trump whacks Obamacare with his pen An executive order is expected to […]

Chance For Graham-Cassidy (Non) Ocare Repeal Rising?

It looks like this may actually happen (The Hill)  The Trump administration and Republican leaders in Congress are going all-in on a last-ditch effort to replace ObamaCare. Earlier this month, the GOP effort was all but dead as Republican leaders pivoted to tax reform. But the health-care legislation has picked up a significant amount of […]

Comrade Bernie Explains Why We Need Government Run Health Care

Bernie Sanders is getting ready to submit legislation for a Medicare for all scheme, which has zero chance of even making it out of committee, much less a vote on the Senate and House floors (even with all the squishy Republicans in Congress, still zero). The NY Times gives him a platform to sorta describe […]

GOP Controlled Senate Looks Towards More “Modest” Overhaul Of Ocare

For the most part, overhauling Obamacare, otherwise known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as the Putting Government In Control Of Your Healthcare And Raising Your Premiums and Deductibles Act), is all the Republicans in Congress have been doing from the start. Once they found a way to start debate, they […]

Senate’s First Attempt To Revamp Obamacare Fails

Revamp. What a great word. One definition is “an act of improving the form, structure, or appearance of something.” Some synonyms are overhaul, refurbish, repair, and update. And that’s the word the front page of Fox News (mostly an AP article) uses in their headline (but not in the single story page), which is perfect […]

CNN Poll: Fewer Want GOP To Repeal And Replace Obamacare

CNN thinks they’re on to something, and they might well be As repeal and replace falters, more say GOP should abandon repeal plan A new CNN poll conducted by SSRS finds a growing share of Americans want to see the GOP abandon its effort to repeal and replace the 2010 health care law known as […]

McConnell To Push Repeal Only After Collapse Of Healthcare Bill

What a shame, the Senate’s terrible, no good, does-not-actually-repeal-Obamacare plan, similar to the House’s does-not-actually-repeal-Ocare plan, has collapsed, as it has not garnered the necessary support. Talking Point Memo’s Tierney Sneed plays it straight in reporting what comes next (interestingly, the article from the hardcore left site is more straight news than most of the […]

Senate Republicans Exempt Themselves From The Non-Repeal/Replace Bill

Vox’s Sara Kliff thinks she has caught out Senate Republicans doing something nefarious. What’s she has unintentionally pointed out is worse, at least for those who have been voting Republican Senate Republicans exempt own health coverage from part of latest proposal Senate Republicans included a provision that exempts members of Congress and their staff from […]

Pirate's Cove