February 10, 2012 – 7:14 am
Interestingly enough, they are only fighting the rule, not ObamaCare itself (Reuters) A U.S. Roman Catholic television network said on Thursday it has filed suit in federal court to block President Barack Obama’s new rule on contraceptives, while a Catholic Church leader and top Republicans stepped up their criticism of Obama. The rule, implemented on […]
February 9, 2012 – 8:46 am
It boggles the mind why Obama would want to pick this fight with Catholics, which also means Conservatives, Tea Party members, Republicans, and the 60+% of Americans who oppose ObamaCare get riled up again, in an election year. Democrats, including Obama, avoided mentioning ObamaCare during the 2010 mid-term elections in the same manner people avoid […]
February 8, 2012 – 9:35 am
Let’s start off with this from LauraW at Ace Of Spades Did Catholic organizations support Obamacare because they either assumed or were told that they would get an exception based on their religious beliefs? Because if that is true, then essentially they agreed to support an infringement on others’ freedoms just so long as their […]
February 7, 2012 – 9:08 am
Liberals will rationalize anything for the sake of abortion on demand (Marjorie Clifton at HuffPo) I am the product of 14 years of Catholic school and am a practicing Catholic, actively involved in the church all of my life. As a woman with a career in politics and women’s leadership, I have quietly worked within […]
February 2, 2012 – 9:20 am
The decision by the Susan G. Komen foundation to no longer provide funds to Planned Parenthood has driven the abortion debate to front and center, and driven Liberals nuts, highlighting once again that abortion on demand is one of the bedrocks of their beliefs. And along comes Jamie Steihm at the NY Times with What’s […]
January 14, 2012 – 9:35 am
Well, all are heavily liberal other than one (Washington Times) Eleven states and the District of Columbia are siding with the Obama administration in the legal battle over the constitutionality of the new health care law, as more than half the states prepare to challenge the law before the Supreme Court. Attorneys general in California, […]
December 5, 2011 – 9:01 am
An interesting article over at Forbes from December 2nd, which highlights one of the interesting parts of Obamacare, one that was debated back during the time Obamacare was being pushed over economic policy, but has since been forgotten as people focus on the individual mandate. The article writer, Rick Unger, starts out by telling us […]
November 28, 2011 – 7:59 am
I’ve never really understood the Leftist fetish with government being in charge of health care. Perhaps, as some have suggested, it’s simply the Leftists way of avoiding making tough decisions for themselves. Perhaps it is their longing for a big fascistic government (for everyone else). Who knows what goes on inside the head of a […]
November 11, 2011 – 8:57 am
Elizabeth Wydra engages in a bit of fantasy over at The Politico, hoping against hope that the voices on the right will be shut down Of all the possible outcomes being tossed around as the Affordable Care Act litigation heads for Supreme Court consideration, one is usually overlooked: If the court upholds the act’s constitutionality […]
September 27, 2011 – 7:58 am
As ObamaCare may be headed to the Supreme Court, we find out that (Washington Examiner) It’s been said a thousand times: Congress had to pass President Obama’s  health care law in order to find out what’s in it. But, despite the repetitiveness, the level of shock from each new discovery never seems to recede. This […]