Category Archives: Healthcare

Forcing People To Buy Health Insurance Shouldn’t Be Controversial, Says Obama

Obama’s out on his big taxpayer funded bus trip, with two buses that cost around a million dollars a piece, not to mention the cost of all the chase cars, security, and whatnot, making speeches that look oddly like campaign stump speeches, as Byron York points out. Then we get this, via CNS News “Here’s […]

ObamaCare May Pay For Health Care For Illegals

You have to pass the bill to see what’s in it The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced it has awarded approximately $8.5 million in money from the ObamaCare health reform law to 25 new Migrant Health Centers designed to target the migrant farm worker population – money that may end up paying for […]

Oops! ObamaCare Actually Costs More Than Doing Nothing

Seriously, implementing a huge new entitlement program is more expensive than doing nothing? Who would have thought that? The Washington Times has the details (via Hot Air) Total spending is projected to grow annually by 5.8 percent under Mr. Obama’s Affordable Care Act, according to a 10-year forecast by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid […]

Yes, The ObamaCare Mandate Is Still Unconstitutional

And interesting line from the Constitution that I have yet to hear someone argue. The ObamaCare supporters and lawyers have argued that the it is either a tax or covered by the Commerce clause. We’ve already covered the bit about the idiocy of requiring someone to purchase something in order to make it commerce, along […]

Shockingly, Yet Another ObamaCare Provision Raises Costs

Unlike Queen Nancy’s statement that “we’ll have to pass the bill to see what is in it,” we actually knew this little tidbit was in the bill prior to passage, and critics pretty much proclaimed that it would have a negative effect. And, guess what? It has Lawmakers in the House and Senate introduced bipartisan […]

Team Obama Recruits People To “Mystery Shop” Doctors

I wonder if they will ask the question “has the threat of ObamaCare made you turn away patients with Exchange insurance?” Of course, since only about 5 people have signed up through the Exchange, I guess that question wouldn’t be meaningful. How about “do you plan on continuing your practice once ObamaCare takes full affect?” […]

Why, No, The GOP Hasn’t Given Up On “Repeal And Replace”

It’s just been very hard to do, considering that the GOP doesn’t control the Senate nor the White House. The Republican Party is going to have to get control of those two in 2012 in order to affect a full repeal and replace More than four months after their triumphant vote to scrap the Democrats’ […]

A Horrible Joke That No One Should Read

Someone at work passed this on to me: A black guy and white guy are in the doctor’s office waiting to get vasectomies. A nurse comes in and asks the men to strip and put on their medical gowns while they wait for the doctor. A few minutes later she comes back, reaches under the […]

Judge Upholds ObamaCare, Says Not Purchasing Insurance Is Commerce

Semantics, pure semantics A third federal judge upheld the constitutionality of the Obama health care law on Tuesday, reinforcing the divide in the lower courts as the case moves toward its first hearings on the appellate level. Judge Gladys Kessler of Federal District Court for the District of Columbia became the third appointee of President […]

Obamacare Requires Lots Of New IRS Agents And Money

Obamacare just keeps getting better and better, via USA Today The Internal Revenue Service says it will need an battalion of 1,054 new auditors and staffers and new facilities at a cost to taxpayers of more than $359 million in fiscal 2012 just to watch over the initial implementation of President Obama’s healthcare reforms. Among […]

Pirate's Cove