February 2, 2011 – 10:36 am
As they say, elections have consequences. One consequence is that the North Carolina Republican Party is in charge of the entire General Assembly for the first time in 100 years, and, they have a few plans for Obamacare Republican leaders in the state House have scheduled debate and a possible vote Wednesday. The measure aims […]
February 1, 2011 – 11:52 am
It would be inherently more legal than the health insurance mandate in Obamacare, since, as far as I can tell by reading the SD Constitution, there is nothing that would prohibit the law (specifically in the Legislative powers) Five South Dakota lawmakers have introduced legislation that would require any adult 21 or older to buy […]
January 31, 2011 – 5:21 pm
Via CNN, which seems a bit apoplectic over this Judge Roger Vinson, in a 78-page ruling, dismissed the key provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act — the so-called “individual mandate†requiring most Americans to purchase health insurance by 2014 or face stiff penalties. “I must reluctantly conclude that Congress exceeded the bounds […]
January 31, 2011 – 9:00 am
I wasn’t aware of the law that Americans are required to purchase TVs simply for being alive, but, we are talking about Kathleen Sebelius’ World, who seems to be channeling her inner Joe Biden Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius defended the new health care law’s mandate requiring people to purchase insurance, comparing the […]
January 28, 2011 – 8:52 am
Buried on the The Politicos front page, in small type between a story about Obama fires up the health team and HHS: Health reform already working, we get Child only health plans endangered Health insurers in 34 states have stopped selling child-only insurance policies as a result of the health reform law, and the market […]
January 19, 2011 – 10:06 pm
I’m sure y’all saw this by now The House voted on Wednesday to repeal the sweeping healthcare law enacted last year, as Republicans made good on a central campaign pledge and laid down the first major policy marker of their new majority. The party-line vote was 245-189, as three Democrats joined all 242 Republicans in […]
January 19, 2011 – 7:52 am
It’s so simple: including a mandate that requires someone to buy health insurance based on a Constitutional clause giving Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce, which means someone had actually purchased something, but, they haven’t purchased it yet, but, you will purchase it because the government says you have to purchase it, so, because […]
January 7, 2011 – 7:46 am
As most of us know, the American People were dead set against the passage of the so-called “Affordable Care Act,” which started out with the notion of reducing health insurance costs and providing coverage to the 30-45 million Americans that had no health insurance, and escalated to a 2,000 page bill that none who voted […]
January 5, 2011 – 2:51 pm
…..even though death panels supposedly do not exist. This is not a repeat from August 2009. The Hill is reporting The Obama administration will remove a brand-new Medicare policy that had reignited the “death panel” debate from last year’s healthcare fight. The provision to be eliminated would have covered end-of-life consultations as part of annual […]
January 3, 2011 – 9:28 am
Incoming House Speaker John Boehner pledges that the GOP “Pledge To America” will not become a worthless piece of paper, much as the “Contract with America” became. Things will change. He has already put out the new rules, and plans to take them seriously. We’ll see. And one thing we’ll see soon will be votes […]