Category Archives: Healthcare

Obamonomy: Companies Look More Towards Temporary Jobs

The good news is, there are some jobs out there. The bad news is they are simply temporary/contractor positions Temporary workers are starting to look, well, not so temporary. Despite a surge this year in short-term hiring, many American businesses are still skittish about making those jobs permanent, raising concerns among workers and some labor […]

NY Times Shocked To Learn There Could Be Years Of Wrangling Over ObamaCare

Seriously, around eight months ago, who would have thought there would be legal challenges to legislation that the majority of Americans hated overall, and found constitutional issues in? The Times is shocked, shocked, I tell you! By contradicting two prior opinions, Monday’s court ruling in Virginia against the Obama health care law highlighted both the […]

Push For ObamaCare Repeal Remains High As Constitutional Ruling Should Come Today

They told us that the longer ObamaCare was around, the more people would love it. Au, contraire Time doesn’t seem to be winning the new national health care law any more friends. Most voters have favored repeal of the law every week since it was passed and support for repeal has now inched up to […]

If You Like Your Doctor, You Can…Oh, Hell, He Plans To Retire?

The law of idiotintended consequences smacks ObamaCare with the cold dead mackerel of reality. Yet again Now a Merritt Hawkins survey of 2,379 doctors for the Physicians Foundation completed in August has vindicated our poll. It found that 40% of doctors said they would “retire, seek a nonclinical job in health care, or seek a […]

Pro-tip: Don’t Have A Stroke While In Britain

Hey, you know that awesome super duper socialized health care system in Britain, which we are supposed to follow? Yeah, about that Three-quarters of all stroke victims are missing out on treatment which would drastically improve their chances of recovery. A report on the shocking extent of Britain’s ‘postcode lottery’ of NHS care revealed that […]

47 Words In ObamaCare Bill Could Cost Hospitals Millions

Perhaps there is a reason that bills should be read and thoroughly examined prior to putting them up for a vote? Partisan tensions on Capitol Hill are delaying efforts to fix an error in the federal health care law that could cost Children’s Hospital Boston and others like it millions of dollars in added drug […]

Oh, Snap! ObamaCare Could Reduce Competition And Raise Costs (Part 2,467)

Seriously, who could have foreseen this coming? When Congress passed the health care law, it envisioned doctors and hospitals joining forces, coordinating care and holding down costs, with the prospect of earning government bonuses for controlling costs. And they would all join hands, sing kumbaya, and have a unicorn smoothie (Coke will soon be taxed […]

More People Concerned About Gov’t Involvement In Health Care

Gallup has an interesting poll up regarding health care Americans name healthcare access, followed by costs, as the most urgent health problems facing the country today, as they have in recent years. However, with the renewed debate over healthcare reform in 2009, and passage of President Obama’s reform bill in 2010, mentions of both issues […]

James Clyburn: Vote Dem, And We’ll Pass The Public Option, Which Is Like The Civil Rights Bill

James Clyburn (D-SC6) shows once again why Democrats are going to get trounced: they really don’t understand the mood of the American Public Democrats could revive the public healthcare option if they maintain their majorities in Congress, the House Democrats’ third-ranking member said Friday. “Reelect me, keep Democrats on the field. And when we come […]

Oh, No, Special Interest Spending Way Up This Election Cycle

You know which side is going to be the bad guy, right? Interest groups are spending five times as much on the 2010 congressional elections as they did on the last midterms, and they are more secretive than ever about where that money is coming from. The $80 million spent so far by groups outside […]

Pirate's Cove