Category Archives: Healthcare

Insurance For Pre-Existing Conditions Expensive Under ObamaCare

Who would have thought it? It’s a centerpiece of President Barack Obama’s health care remake, a lifeline available right now to vulnerable people whose medical problems have made them uninsurable. But the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan started this summer isn’t living up to expectations. Enrollment lags in many parts of the country. People who could […]

McDonald’s And Other Companies May Drop Their Health Insurance Offerings

They best be careful, otherwise they could receive a threatening nasty-gram from Kathleen Sebelius, a subpoena to appear on Capital Hill, or be part of an Obama campaign trail whine, or even the subject of a weekly address blameathon: McDonald’s May Drop Health Plan McDonald’s Corp. has warned federal regulators that it could drop its […]

Obama To Continue His Backyard Campaign Stops

At least he isn’t wearing the mom jeans President Obama is trying to reconnect with the American people, and he is using that most American of settings, the backyard, to do it. Actually, because of his policies, the most American of settings nowadays seems to be the unemployment line. Anyhow Mr. Obama emerged from the […]

GOP’s Pledge To America To Be Unveiled Today

Everyone else has chimed in on the subject, including much criticism from some Conservatives, so, my two cents CBS News has obtained a final draft of House Republicans’ legislative agenda for the next Congress, a 21-page “Pledge to America” that they will formally unveil Thursday morning at a Virginia hardware store. “The need for urgent […]

Shocker: Health Insurance Providers Will Stop Offering New Child Only Policies

Yeah, yeah, everyone has covered this, but, from the Department of Who Woulda Thunk It Some of the country’s most prominent health insurance companies have decided to stop offering new child-only plans, rather than comply with rules in the new health-care law that will require such plans to start accepting children with preexisting medical conditions […]

ObamaCare Won’t Actually Lower Costs, Says Report

Which, of course, the New York Times tries to spin away A new government study says President Obama’s health care law will have negligible effects on total national health spending in the next 10 years, neither slowing nor fueling the explosive growth of medical costs. Yet, time and time again, we were all told that […]

Some Insurers To Raise Rates As Direct Result Of ObamaCare

Did Democrats really think there would be no rate hikes due to their monstrous legislation, which most probably didn’t read? Health insurers say they plan to raise premiums for some Americans as a direct result of the health overhaul in coming weeks, complicating Democrats’ efforts to trumpet their signature achievement before the midterm elections. Aetna […]

If ObamaCare Was So Great, Why Are No Dems Running Ads In Support?

I suppose they took Nancy Pelosi’s advice and read it after they passed it, therefore A handful of House Democrats are making health care reform an election year issue — by running against it. At least five of the 34 House Democrats who voted against their party’s health care reform bill are highlighting their “no” […]

Democrats Try New HealthCare Message: We’re “Improving” It

It has really gotten to a point where allies in the media cannot even avoid the idiocy of the Democrats, as witnessed by this Ben Smith article Key White House allies are dramatically shifting their attempts to defend health care legislation, abandoning claims that it will reduce costs and deficit and instead stressing a promise […]

Having Solved All Their Problems, San Fran Offers Legislation Restricting Happy Meals

On top of San Francisco considering banning pet sales, you just knew something like this had to happen A serious move is afoot to force fast-food giants to make kids meals more nutritionally viable if they want to sell them with kid-luring toys. In San Francisco, newly proposed legislation would ban toys from most kids […]

Pirate's Cove