Category Archives: Healthcare

Trump Signs Obamacare Order Potentially Gutting The Mandate

One of Mr. Trump’s first acts as President was to sign an order on Obamacare (The Hill) President Trump on Friday signed an executive order directing federal agencies to “ease the burden of ObamaCare.” The order did not direct any specific actions, instead giving broad authority to the Department of Health and Human Services and other agencies […]

Trump Says Plan Provides Insurance For Everybody

What, exactly, does this mean? (Washington Post) President-elect Donald Trump said in a weekend interview that he is nearing completion of a plan to replace President Obama’s signature health-care law with the goal of “insurance for everybody,” while also vowing to force drug companies to negotiate directly with the government on prices in Medicare and […]

Paulcare? Rand Paul Says He Has Full Obamacare Replacement Plan

If there is a GOP Senator that you would want to have a full Ocare replacement plan, Rand Paul is certainly one of the main ones to look to. He’s a physician (Ophthalmology), and well versed in the ins and outs of insurance and healthcare. He’s very familiar with how to take care of people, […]

Will GOP Repeal And Replace Obamacare At Same Time?

According to Paul Ryan, the answer is yes (CNN) House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday Republicans plan to repeal President Barack Obama’s health care law at the same time they approve a GOP replacement plan. “We want to do this at the same time, and in some cases in the same bill,” Ryan said during […]

Senate One Step Closer To Repealing Obamacare

It appears as if the repeal is going to be piecemeal, rather than simply toasting the entire thing as on (Washington Post) The Senate voted 51 to 48 early Thursday to approve a budget resolution instructing House and Senate committees to begin work on legislation to repeal major portions of the Affordable Care Act. The […]

NY Times: Vague Promises On Repealing Ocare Just Not Enough Or Something

Donald Trump wants immediate repeal of Obamacare, and is pushing Congressional Republicans to do just that. Many of those Republicans are concerned and want a replacement bill, which is a pretty wise stance. The time to straight up cancel Ocare was the 2012 general election, before the majority of the law kicked in. Meanwhile, over […]

Democrats Now Totally Willing To Work To Fix Obamacare

For the most part, Democrats have avoided campaigning on Obamacare since it was passed. Most did not even want to discuss it. It was a loser topic, which has seen Democrats go from a wildly majority party before the 2010 midterms to massive losses at the federal, state, and local levels. They own this lock, […]

Washington Post: Say, Let’s Rebrand Obamacare To Trumpcare!

As someone in the comments at the Washington Post notes “How can you make something “great again” that wasn’t great in the first place?” Catherine Rampell gives it a shot Make Obamacare great again — call it Trumpcare Believe it or not, Americans like Obamacare. They just don’t know they like Obamacare. That is, the […]

Vox: Trump Advisor Makes It Tougher To Repeal Ocare Or Something

Excitable Ezra Klein does his best to Voxsplain a comment by Kellanne Conway, but, utterly whiffs while simultaneously admitting that Obama lied his mom jeans posterior off Trump’s “if you like your insurance, you can keep it” moment One of Trump’s top advisers just made repealing Obamacare much, much harder. Right there in the headline […]

On Obamacare Repeal, Republicans Use Same Game Used To Pass It

This has liberals very freaked out, but, as David French notes, what comes around goes around, because, as Vox notes, Democrats cannot stop it (Vox) The new Congress was sworn in on Tuesday, and the first thing it did was prepare to repeal Obamacare. Senate Budget Committee Chair Michael Enzi (R-WY) introduced a budget resolution […]

Pirate's Cove