Category Archives: Holidays

You Too Can Have A Woke Thanksgiving If You’re Unhinged

This comes yet again from the unhinged tools at Newsweek, which is now apparently attempting to compete with Slate and Salon for nuttiest web outlet From the link Media outlets have taken notice and are offering quick guidelines on how to best avoid stirring the pot on Turkey Day. But Thanksgiving offers a unique opportunity to civically engage with those […]

There’s A Climate (scam) Dark Side Behind Your Thanksgiving Or Something

Yet another in a long line of unhinged, shrieking, annoying, deranged bat-guano insane articles on Thanksgiving. Which will be recycled for Christmas, you know Behind the delicious foods, Thanksgiving has a dark side The shame of chowing down enough turkey to feed an entire village of Pilgrims isn’t the only reason to feel guilty this […]

NPR: Thanksgiving Is A Great Time To Talk About End-Of-Life Care

It’s the ideal time to have these conversations or something. Let’s first define this, since the article sorta dinks and dunks around what “end of life care” means. The National Institute On Aging writes “End-of-life care is the term used to describe the support and medical care given during the time surrounding death.” This could […]

Say, Could Turkey Poop Help Stop ‘Climate Change’?

This is obviously time for Thanksgiving Could turkey poop help stop climate change? An Israeli research team thinks so. None of us want to think too hard about the turkeys we are about to eat on Thanksgiving. We especially don’t need to think about the excrement they produce. But what if that excrement could help […]

NBC News Helpfully Explains How Liberals Can Not Ruin Thanksgiving

Every year we are treated to a raft of articles on surviving Thanksgiving (Christmas ones will come later) due to politics. Many of them attempt to explain how to ruin T-giving with talking points aimed at Explaining Things to your Republican Uncle. Others are about not ruining T-giving. This one from NBC News is the […]

Spooky: U.S. To Prepare For ‘Climate Change’ Caused Vampire Bat Invasion

Warmists were a little late with their doomsaying on ‘climate change’ while using Halloween as a prop, but, hey, better late than never Just in Time for Halloween, Scientists Are Preparing for a Vampire Bat Invasion in the U.S. Tis the season … for stockpiling copious amounts of garlic, crosses and holy water to fight […]

Happy Halloween Patriotic Pinup


Nothing Says “Climate Change Is Real” Like Using A Fake Monster

And, by climate change, I’m referring to the notion that the current warm period is mostly/solely caused by Mankind, and we’re doomed in the future As #Halloween Approaches – You've Gotta Ask, How Much MORE Proof Do #Climate Deniers Need? @Asher_Wolf @skip_conover @77CaptainMarvel — Allan Margolin (@AllanMargolin) October 29, 2017 Perfect. Using a fake […]

Hey, Non-Celts: Stop Appropriating Halloween

It’s the time of the year where loopy SJWs nag about costumes and cultural appropriation. Colleges across the country are lecturing on what costumes are Allowed, and which ones are Mean. They’re having lectures and symposiums, putting out memos. This occurs as well in high schools and elementary schools, where some even have said “no […]

Happy Independence Day! (Sticky for the day)

Always a good time for some patriotic pinups. A few more below the fold.

Pirate's Cove