Category Archives: Holidays

That’s What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown

Employees At British Government Agency Advised To Avoid Saying “Merry Christmas”

Is it just a coincidence that this is occurring at the Department of Energy and Climate Change? (UK Telegraph) Staff at a Government department have been urged to avoid writing the words “Merry Christmas” in seasonal email greetings to avoid upsetting anyone. Instead, employees at the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) have reportedly […]

Texas Has A Law Protecting People Who Say “Merry Christmas”

It’s amazing that we actually need laws to protect free speech (Ft Worth Star Telegram) This is Texas. So you can safely toss the generic holiday greetings out the door. As students head into the final week before “winter break” and plan for their “winter parties” state lawmakers are reminding residents that they are free […]

Happy Thanksgiving Pinup! BTW, Your Dry, Stringy Turkey Is Caused By Climate Change

It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a patriotic pinup. It also wouldn’t be a modern Thanksgiving without someone complaining about “climate change” Expert says climate change negatively affecting turkey meat quality Gale Strasburg balks at the suggestion that he is trying to save Thanksgiving. He is a food scientist. He doesn’t rescue holidays. But he is […]

Bummer: Hotcoldwetdry Might Maybe Possibly Change Thanksgiving Meals

If you start thinking “hey, this seems familiar, are you sure this isn’t a story from years past?”, you’re certainly right. It seems familiar to me, and I know I’ve posted similar articles in years past as we approach Thanksgiving. Climate Change Could Alter Thanksgiving Meals I like how the headline says “could” while the […]

Hey, Here’s How To Talk About “Climate Change” At Thanksgiving

Of course, when you, the Warmist, start yammering on about Hotcoldwetdry, I would hope you are not actually eating turkey, because turkey itself is bad for “climate change”. In fact, most food causes “climate change” through various means, including the veggies, so, you shouldn’t eat anything. Ever. Just being a human is bad for “climate […]

10 Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint On Thanksgiving, Ruining It For All

Why? Because it’s time for reflection, says HuffPo’s Lori Popkewitz Alper 10 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint This Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday for many. It’s a time to eat, indulge and spend uninterrupted time with family. It’s also a time for reflection. A time to think about what we’re thankful for and […]

With Thanksgiving A Few Days Away, You Should Really Give #ClimateThanks Or Something

No, really, Soros funded Joe Romm really wants this, because climatologists spend lots of time changing data to conform to their preconceptions Here’s How To Show Gratitude To Climate Heroes Big And Small This Thanksgiving This Thanksgiving season, the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication once again wants you to tweet out some gratitude via […]

It’s That Time Of The Year Again: Warmists Linking Thanksgiving And “Climate Change”

Whenever any type of big holiday comes up, you can always find some Warmist writing something nutty. I bet you thought the pinup featuring a plane in the earlier Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup post was random, right? You might have been wondering why it wasn’t a Thanksgiving one. Here we go Federal action needed to […]

Special Snowflakes At DOE Want You To Have Climate Change Friendly Pumpkins

And by special Snowflakes,  I mean the type that can only be created by Hot. (Renewable Energy World) The DOE is always looking for ways to make renewable energy appealing. To that end, they’ve proffered up some ideas to incorporate green energy into the classic Halloween tradition of pumpkin carving. Conveniently, October is also National […]

Pirate's Cove