Category Archives: Holidays

Hooray: Michelle Obama Ruins Halloween In Philly

It’s funny. Liberals tell us that government can have no rules, no regulations, no laws, nor restrictions on abortion. Choice! Reproductive freedom! Hands off our uterus’! Of course, when it comes to almost everything other than baby killing… (The Blaze) The Philadelphia Veterans Affairs office announced Wednesday that it would hold a Halloween parade on […]

What Say To A Spider Burrowing In Your Chest?

Here’s a perfect story as we approach Halloween. This ain’t Hell…. likes to run feel good stories in the morning. This won’t qualify (Aussie News) NOTHING tops off a holiday in Bali like discovering there is a spider burrowing under your skin. Bunbury local Dylan Thomas’ first trip to Bali last weekend was complete with […]

Happy Independence Day!

Happy 4th! Still no Internet, so not sure the size of these while using Droid.

Bummer: Over Half Of US States See Snow Cover For Christmas

Ending the 25 Days Of Climate Christmas on a bright note (IBD) Those humming the words to “White Christmas” got their wish big-time as snow covered more than half the lower 48 states as of mid-December, putting snowless winters on the pile of failed climate predictions. More than half of the continental U.S. had snow […]

Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus

Every Christmas, after the presents are opened and breakfast is being made, I read this first in the paper (ye olde parental units get an actual paper, and they live in NJ). It is a Christmas classic that has always touched my soul. While some people outside of the Tri-State area have heard of it, […]

“Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?”

Luke 2: 8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field , keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And, lo , the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid . 10 And the angel […]

Army Officer: Don’t Say Christmas

The political Left has spent a long time infiltrating and taking control of many segments of the nation, such as education, government bureaucracies, Hollywood, and unions. Now they’re working heavily to take over the military and work their Progressive magic. And saying Christmas? Brother, that’s just wrong. Here’s Todd Starnes reporting (Fox News) Two weeks […]

Think Progress Offers Its Climate Grinches Of 2013 Who Are “Stealing Christmas Warmth”

Continuing the 25 Days Of Climate Christmas 2013′s Climate Grinches — Stealing Christmas Warmth And Putting It Into The Atmosphere Climate change is the most pressing challenge of our time, yet meaningful action to address this global threat seems increasingly elusive. What’s standing in the way? There are numerous individuals, organizations, and corporations that actively […]

Christmas And The Catholic Church Are Bad For Climate Change

Continuing the 25 Days Of Climate Christmas (Lankaweb) Every year people, above all Christians, remember at Christmastime the birth of Jesus from Nazareth. Many of them gather with their families rejoicing over Jesus’ birth. Christmas tables and Christmas trees are weakening under the load of presents and good food and many people have meat for […]

Nativity Scene Moved From Display At Shaw Air Force Base

This isn’t breaking news or anything, this occurred back in the early part of the month. However, if Obama can still Blame Bush, and media outlets can bring up things for months and years ago, the delay should be OK (Fox News) A nativity scene at Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina was abruptly […]

Pirate's Cove