Category Archives: Holidays

Halloween Candy Can Spread The Swine Flu. Everbody PANIC!

Sigh Trick-or-treaters should probably keep their hands out of the candy bowl this weekend because of the ongoing swine flu pandemic. It’s just one way that experts suggest will keep children from getting swine flu on Halloween. Health officials hope parents will distribute candy instead of allowing children to grab their treats out of candy […]

All Of A Sudden, The Left Likes July 4th

And gets truly stupid. Mike Lux, in what looks to be a shameless plug for his book, goes Pure Barking Moonbat On this holiday celebrating the courage of America’s brave revolutionary founders, all Americans can celebrate. But progressives should take special pride in this holiday, for it was the ultimate achievement of progressive values that […]

Happy Independence Day!

A day early for Patriotic Pinup, but, hey, special occasion. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and […]

Operations Neptune And Overlord, 65 Years Later

It’s “A Gathering of the Greatest Generation” — though this year only a small group of that era’s aging heroes will commemorate the invasion of France at Normandy 65 years ago. On Saturday afternoon, veterans will attend a National World War II Museum ceremony in New Orleans recognizing soldiers, sailors and airmen who made that […]

What Say To Iranian Bigwigs At July 4th Parties?

Unbelieveable, if true. Well, not really unbelieveable, it is Barack Obama sitting in the White House, after all In a new overture to Iran, the Obama administration has authorized U.S. embassies around the world to invite Iranian officials to Independence Day parties they host on or around July 4th. A State Department cable sent to […]

Happy Memorial Day 2009

From Operation Iraqi Freedom While Americans enjoy the traditional summer kick-off weekend with vacations, backyard barbecues, pool openings and picnics, the White House Commission on Remembrance is asking them to take a moment on Memorial Day to remember the true meaning of the holiday. The National Moment of Remembrance was created “to provide a time […]

Columbus Day Gone At Brown U.

Liberalism, political correctness, and stupidity on the march Brown University is taking the “Columbus Day” out of Columbus Day weekend. The Ivy League school’s faculty voted Tuesday to establish a new academic holiday in October called “Fall Weekend.” The long weekend coincides with Columbus Day. Hundreds of Brown students had asked the Providence school to stop […]

Happy Easter!

Matthew 28:1-10 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His […]

Is There Any Holiday Unhinged Leftists Won’t Try And Ruin?

Other then the birthdays of Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, etc, there always seems to be some holiday that leftists will try and ruin (and yes, I do understand that Unhinged Leftists is rather redundant) Animal rights group Peta targeted Jamie Oliver’s flagship restaurant in a protest against the celebrity chef’s promotion of British pork. The move […]

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

What could be better then Ireland? Kathy Ireland!

Pirate's Cove