Category Archives: Holidays

Obama Hung In Effigy, Liberals Freak Out

Gotta love the double standard. The Halloween display of Sarah Palin hung in effigy was A-OK, almost no one on the Left complained. But, now, horror!!!!! Obama Effigies Strung Up in Kentucky and Indiana Barack Obama effigies turned up Wednesday on the University of Kentucky campus and in a front yard in Indiana, as federal […]

Let’s Hang Palin. No, Nothing Unhinged There

Via Sister Toldjah and Memeorandum: Halloween Palin Prop Sparks Controversy In WeHo A Halloween decoration showing a mannequin dressed as vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin hanging by a noose from the roof of a West Hollywood home is drawing giggles from some passers-by and gasps of outrage from others. He says “it should be seen […]

Aaaaaar! Pirates Of The Pumpkin Patch

A Guy’s Guide To Zombies

Happy July 4th Pinup!

Happy July 4th, everyone! When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a […]

Memorial Day Monday: Pause, Reflect, Urges Commission

From Operation Iraqi Freedom  While Americans enjoy the traditional summer kick-off weekend with vacations, backyard barbecues, pool openings and picnics, the White House Commission on Remembrance is asking them to take a moment on Memorial Day to remember the true meaning of the holiday. The National Moment of Remembrance was created “to provide a time […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Easter to all. This one is by Edward Runci, with some help And, yes, bunnies really have nothing to do with what is considered the most Holy of days to Christians, but having a patriotic Jesus would have seemed, well, blasphemous, as well as just plain wrong. Easter Sunday is the Resurrection Day of […]

Happy Valentines Day! Nance P. Sends Her Love

More below the fold (some are NSFW-nothing really bad, though)     Fatwa on Valentines Day, beatches? Cracked has 14 VD gifts guaranteed to not get you laid. Plus, since VD is about cute, how about 6 cute animals that can really f*ck your world up? John Hawkins was asking folk for their funny political […]

Happy New Year Pinup!

That’s What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown

I love that clip. Puts Christmas in perspective. A little story on it. Originally, I uploaded it to evil Google video’s. And someone actually complained months later and got it wacked from Google vid. Grinches! Update: I had to do it, my 15 minute cruise through the left-o-sphere. Sad. They just cannot give it a […]

Pirate's Cove